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Inner Psychic Abilities

Inner Psychic Abilities

Some people question their psychic abilities and want to know how to develop their psychic abilities so that they can be stronger in their lives.

Having a psychic ability is like anything else, such as singing.  A singer will start out pretty good and can sing even for as long as they can talk, but if they do not practice, their gift will never develop to a very strong level.

Once someone discovers their psychic ability, they will experience a time when they feel that they need to really increase their abilities, which can help them become more aware.


It is important to be the best psychic that you can be.  If you think you might be a psychic, some things can help to take you to the next level.


You need to listen to your inner voice and believe that it is real.  You need not think that something will just be a random thought, and you will need to be more empathic to people around you when you feel emotional. If there are times that you feel sad and you aren’t sure why it could be that your psychic ability is trying to shine.  What about if you think someone is going to call and then they do?  These are all ideas that you have an ability, and you need to trust it.


Do not always be so worried about doing something wrong.  It happens. If you look silly or get a signal wrong then just let it go.  Don’t focus on being perfect but focus on increasing your ability.  You have to make it a goal to trust yourself and go with your first impressions.


If you are looking to increase your abilities, find a class.  The teacher could help you to understand your gifts and help you to know what to look for in yourself.  If you cannot find a class, try to join a group of other people that are like you.

Remain Relaxed and Open

Some people think that being psychic means that you are just listening.  It is best that you can increase this ability so that you can listen and hear.  When you hear someone talk or tell a story, chances are that your intuitive ear will make you hear something else.  This is when listening plays a huge role.  Sometimes people are unhappy, and you can “hear” this inside.

Stay Responsible

Sometimes people practice just for a while when they decide to do readings.  Make sure that you know that you are not going to hurt or violate anyone by your reading.  Not everything that a psychic says is an impression, and there are times when you need to tell people things that are true.  Stay focused on yourself and ask someone if you are allowed to share with them your insight before you do it.

You need to make sure you trust your abilities and do not begin until you have greater insight and are ready.  If you have never read for anyone, do not feel bad about this, just trust yourself, and you will get far in life.

4 Ways to Optimize Your Energy Levels

Optimize Your Energy Levels

Feeling like you have lost motivation or that you are constantly tired?  Have you found yourself more susceptible to people taking advantage of you?  You most likely have misaligned spiritual energy.

Use these four vital techniques to ground yourself, enjoy a balanced day and heal from past hurts:

  1. Tap into the Universe’s Rhythm

All energy comes from a unique input.  For example, picture how your home or work’s electrical signal comes into through an external box connected to the utility’s powerlines and then shared throughout the building through outlets into an individual item’s cord.  The same is true of how we as individuals receive energy from the Universe or the Divine.

When you connect to the innermost love and light of the Universe, you can be receptive to its flow of spiritual energy.  Begin by grounding yourself mentally into the earth.  Picture yourself as a tree with roots going deep into the ground.  Feel the gentle pulses of universal energy.  Let it flow up into you and then radiate throughout your body.  Breathe deeply and allow this energy of love and light to travel up your chakras and out of your head.  Picture this wellspring of bliss and positivity to travel across the world and cascade back down into the earth.  This is the flow of life.

  1. Polish your Auras

When your energy is out of synch or tainted by excess negativity, your spiritual fields suffer.  Spiritual fields are our auras, a composite of magnetic particles that vibrate with distinct colors and purposes.  Like a physical light, auras won’t shine if energy is blocked.  If you are stressed, angry, frustrated, or exhausted, your aura’s colors are drastically dimmed, and the lack of vibrations prevents you from receiving vital lessons or opportunities from the Universe.

You can cleanse your auras by coning.  Start by bringing the fingers of your left hand together into a point.  Next, place these pointed fingers on the right side of your head, just below your hairline.  Next, repeat the process with the right hand and left side of your head.  Hold the position for 15 seconds, then reverse the cross that your hands make (having the right coned hand now being over the left coned hand) and hold this position for an additional 15 seconds.  This practice serves to reset the various fuses that make up your auratic field and lets your overall energy circulate better throughout your physical, mental, and spiritual body.

  1. Release Your Pain

Find a quiet spot where you can sit and talk with your body.  Start by settling into a comfortable pose and take a few diaphragmic breaths.  Scan your body for areas that are bothersome for you.  Continue breathing and direct that cleansing breath into each area of concern.  Ask each area what this pain is trying to tell you.  Allow pure, white, holy light to enter you and encompass each pain spot.  Let the light encapsulate the pain healing it from the inside out, and leave particles of loving-kindness behind.  End by journaling the message that the pain initially gave you.  By understanding the root of the pain, you can begin to heal any systemic problem fully.

  1. Guard Your Spiritual Body

Much like any physical structure, you must protect your inner sanctum.  With a house, we guard ourselves and belong with doors and walls.  Our spiritual bodies are similar; without any barrier, we leave ourselves vulnerable to energetic depletion, psychic leeches, or even attacks.  Energy vibrations are exchanged between living creatures through actions, behaviors, or even words.  Remember when your Mom told you to smile and “fake it until you make it?”  Energy and moods are contagious, and we frequently pick up the mood of our loved ones.

You must learn to shield yourself if you are worried about picking up negative energy.  Begin by picturing a spring of white radiant light bubbling up from near your feet.  Then, comb it upwards and outwards until your whole body is covered in this light.  Finally, picture it crystalizing around you, protecting you from anything that could harm you.  This light is love from the Divine and enables you to commune with the Universal energy flow while keeping you safe from any psychic or spiritual attacks.  Repeat this practice whenever you are entering a crowded space, feeling overwhelmed or vulnerable to negativity.  Over time you should see an increase in maintaining positivity and productivity.

Using these techniques will help optimize your energy level and help as you continue on your journey. Try the techniques for a few weeks and watch as your energy increases and you feel better overall.

Angel Card Reading

Angel Card Reading

Angel card readings are growing in popularity, either as an option to Tarot or in conjunction with Tarot readings. A Tarot reading can be difficult with all the small, subtle details that must be learned, but angel cards are much less complex as a form of offering a reading and communicating with angels. Angel cards are also less intimidating as they tend to lean toward the comforting side.

Psychics and Angel Cards

You do not necessarily need to be psychic to read angel cards. However, psychics do often use angel cards as a tool. This tool is used to help the psychic tune in to the angels and bring through what is needed.

Angel cards are becoming much more popular for home use, for those who want to read for themselves or others. Some do it for fun or out of curiosity, but others have you draw to the cards with great interest. Some lose interest quickly, but others, finding the cards useful, keep them close at hand. It depends on the person. People use their intuition in different ways, so those who feel a stronger connection to the cards are the most likely to continue using them.

How They Work

Angels communicate with our subconscious, which is why angel cards work. Angels tell us when to stop shuffling, which cards to pull, and which to leave alone through our subconsciousness. This is a simple act for the angels, so we simply need to be relaxed and trust the outcome. Go with what feels right on your deepest levels.

Steps to Using Angel Cards Properly

Once you have purchased an angel deck that you are comfortable with, then you are ready to start. There are many decks available, but choose the one you like. All can be effective, but your comfort level can have an effect. Knowing you have a deck you like, you can get started.

  1. Greet your angels first by saying hello and asking for help in the reading. Be cordial and straightforward about your request.
  2. As you start to shuffle, bless the cards. This can be accomplished by entering a spiritual space to raise vibration levels and send love to the angels and your cards. Take just a moment to find peacefulness and gratefulness for the help.
  3. Before the first card is drawn, stop and focus on your question in silence. If the reading is for someone else, ask their question so you may focus on it. Keep the question in mind for a few moments, not allowing for intruding thoughts.
  4. Then continue to shuffle until it feels right to stop. When drawing only a single card, you have the option of splitting the deck and drawing off the top of the cut or not cutting the deck and drawing off the top.
  5. Separate this card from the rest and place it in front of you to get the message. The card will contain an answer, message, or clue for an appropriate answer to the question on your mind. The description will help you or the one getting the reading move forward through the issue.
  6. When doing a three-card spread, draw two additional cards off the top. There is no need to reshuffle unless you feel drawn to do so. Each card will have a relevant message.
  7. If you have more than one issue on your mind, the angels may take the opportunity to try to answer different questions with different cards. This can provide a deeper reading.
  8. Once the reading is complete, make sure to thank the angels for the answers. Their communication is a blessing. If you want more information or signs of confirmation, ask, and they will appear. These are known as angel signs.

Card Meanings

Each deck of angel cards will come with a booklet or guide with information about card meaning. This is important for a successful reading. If a card arises that you do not quite understand, ask for clarity and draw another to provide a better and clearer understanding.

There is never a mistake in a draw, so trust in the draw. However, you should not drive yourself crazy trying to figure it out. If you figure it out later, then the answer is always there, or it may relate to another question you have. Angel cards are designed to be fun and light, so make sure to keep it this way.

Distance Energy Healing

Distance Energy Healing

Distance energy healing is just as it sounds. A practitioner sends healing energy to someone who requested it to support and heal them in the way that is best at the time. This can be specific to physical or emotional healing or just a boost during a difficult period in life. There are no real parameters to what can be accomplished. Since Reiki’s healing energy is transcendental and connected to pure consciousness, the practitioner and client do not need to be in the same place. Time and distance do not serve as barriers as the life force energy flows around us. This healing energy works through intention.

Healing Sessions

When a session occurs, it is best to be in a quiet place, so you are relaxed and open to receiving, but this is not totally necessary. The most important thing is to be set on receiving the healing energy as it is sent.

While everyone’s experience is different, Reiki always works for the highest good. People tend to feel warmth, deep relaxation, clarity, light, or even waves of energy. However, some will feel little or nothing at all during this time. The typical session lasts 30-45 minutes on average, which is shorter than in-person settings because the healing can begin immediately. However, the healing is just as effective.

Just as it is different for the receivers, it can vary between practitioners. However, this often involves meditation in a quiet place, scanning the aura, and focusing on the specific type of healing. The practitioner tends to feel calm and relaxed as the energy flows out. This can range in price depending on the time spent in session and what was worked on specifically.

Distance healing is handled much like an in-person session except it is held over video in which you can see the practitioner and they can see you. There is not a great deal of research when it comes to distance healing, but what has been researched has shown promise. Some suffering from cancer have tried distance healing to help with pain, anxiety, health functions, and quality of life, though those without cancer may also benefit. Distance heling can be very useful when unable to get to an office for any reason.

Keep in mind that everyone will have a different experience with distance healing, but the goal is the same. The more open minded you enter a session, the better results that can be accomplished. Energy is not limited in the same way our physical bodies are by time and space, so the healing can not only be effective, but lasting despite the distance. Think of energy healing as a light switch. When we look at a light switch we know that if we turn it on, the light will come on. Energy is the same way, we just cannot see it so obviously, but we can feel it. When thought and energy are focused, amazing things can happen. Your practitioner is able to channel healing energy through themselves and send it focused directly to you, despite the difference. Why not give it a try?

Can Psychics Really Read Pets’ Minds?

Can Psychics Really Read Pets’ Minds?

If you’re a pet owner, you’ve probably wondered if your pets know what you’re thinking. Maybe your cat runs away and hides when you’re preparing for a vet trip. Or perhaps your dog runs toward the door as soon as you think about going for a walk.

Pet psychics believe that pet owners are constantly telepathically communicating with their pets and don’t even realize it. In other words, your pets are reacting to signals you’re sending with your mind.

Pet psychics take this concept one step further and claim that they can talk to pets. To do this, pet psychics talk to the owners either in person or by telephone, then relay (for a fee) telepathic messages to and from pets. The pets don’t even have to be present; pet psychics claim they make contact through photos or descriptions.

People who seek the advice of pet psychics often have a specific reason, such as:

  • The pet is missing, so the owner wants to find it or encourage it to come back home.
  • The pet exhibits inappropriate behaviors, so the owner wants to learn why and make it stop.
  • The pet is ill or injured, so the owner is trying to discern whether it should be euthanized or not.
  • The pet died, so the owner wants to communicate with its spirit.

This communication with animals is a paranormal, extrasensory phenomenon, combining clairvoyance and telepathy. Many pet psychics describe it as a form of energy. According to them, energy fields surround and penetrate all matter in the universe. This energy can’t be scientifically proven, detected, or measured. Pet psychics claim to use this energy to communicate with animals, even if the animals are no longer alive.

Here’s what to expect in a typical pet psychic reading:

  1. The psychic will relax, calm her mind, and mentally connect with the pet’s energy.
  2. The psychic visualizes the pet and gets its attention by telepathically saying its name.
  3. She asks the pet a question using pictures and/or words.
  4. The psychic waits for a response, which may also contain pictures and/or words. Some say that the pets reply using childlike voices.
  5. The psychic acknowledges that she received a response and accepts it.
  6. The psychic shares the pet’s answers with its owner.
  7. The psychic may choose to ask more questions or transmit messages from the owner to the pet.

This process makes sense to some animal lovers. But communicating with animals using energy is controversial. Scientists have no conclusive evidence of the existence of this type of energy or of sensory organs that could be used to detect the energy or use it to transmit messages.

Pets and Emotions

Some pet psychics believe that pets remember events from the distant past, experience and express feelings, and are able to reflect on their emotions.

Many owners have witnessed their pets behaving in a manner that suggests they do experience emotions. But scientists haven’t reached a consensus regarding whether these are proof of actual emotion. Human emotions are quite difficult to define. Psychiatrists, philosophers, and medical doctors don’t agree on what they are or exactly how they work in humans. Pets and other animals aren’t capable of describing what they’re feeling, which makes it all the more difficult to carry out scientific studies on their emotions.

Animals do experience stress and feel pain. Recent research suggests that animals experience emotions such as grief, anger, and joy. And the possibility that pets and other animals experience emotions is becoming more widely accepted.

But there’s a significant difference between simply feeling an emotion and having the ability to analyze or think about it. Even scientists who believe that animals have feelings don’t think animals have the intellectual capacity to think about those feelings. Scientists and pet psychics also disagree about animal consciousness and their potential for self-awareness and higher reasoning.

Pet Psychics and Cold Readings

Pet psychics’ techniques for communicating with pets are scientifically controversial, so most people are skeptical of pet psychics. Some people claim that pet psychics who appear successful are simply practicing cold reading, a sly method to extract personal information. Cold readers frame their questions to trick the other person into providing information. The reading results can therefore appear quite convincing. Skeptics also claim that pet psychics simply tell pet owners what they want to hear.

A pet psychic using cold-reading techniques likely understands animal behavior and human psychology thoroughly.

Cold-reading techniques include:

  • Stating the obvious. A pet psychic may observe a dog chewing on his paws and say, “She says her paws are bothering her. They’re itchy all the time.”
  • Using vague language. A statement like, “He says there’s something different in the house,” might lead a pet owner to blurt out what that change may be, such as, “Oh, yes, I got new pillows in the living room.” The cold reader can then base a reply on that information: “Yes! He says the pillows smell strange. He’s scratching the door to get away from them.”
  • Making generally true statements. Most indoor cats like looking outside. A cold reader who says, “She’s curious. She says she likes sitting by the window to see what’s going on outside” is likely to be right.
  • Asking questions. Cold readers ask a lot of questions. When the person answers, the cold reader may incorrectly rephrase or repeat the answer, hoping that the person’s correction will yield additional information. A cold reader will also use answers to decide which questions to ask next.

Successful cold readers often appear to be genuinely psychic. But cold reading doesn’t account for the apparent success of pet psychics, many of whom claim that they’ve found lost pets, solved behavioral issues, or helped heal injured or sick pets. Skeptics consider these successes mere coincidences.

Psychic Predictions: Can You Change the Outcome?

Psychic Readings & Predictions: Can You Change the Outcome?

There are several common questions when it comes to psychic predictions. The most common are those about what to do with negative predictions or why a particular prediction has not yet come to pass. However, people also want to know if predictions are absolute or can be changed by the person they are about. Many predictions will come true, and others will change due to free will. The future is changeable, not written in stone, because a prediction can actually change what we do or think.

When completing a reading for someone, the outlines of potential realities are shown at that moment. This includes the past, present, and future. While fate and destiny are real, and we all have certain experiences that are preordained, we still each hold the pen to complete the story. The future depends on us as we change and evolve or refuse to do so.

When someone receives a prediction, the almost immediate response is wanting to know when it will come to pass, but this is difficult to answer. This is because time is not linear but spirals and unfolds. Therefore, you must consistently stay present in the here and now in order to avoid becoming too attached to the future that may be changed by your actions. This is always a hazard when we cling to the details of what someone says about our futures.

Readings are about feeling empowered, not a reason to worry. Even when delivering difficult information, it must be done with compassion. Readers should be able to share alternate paths if one exists or continue on to explain different cycles.

A reading is always filtered through the reader’s personal filters of life. This means that a reading is best if the reader and person getting the reading are better connected. The psychics perspective always derives from a number of sources. Those receiving a reading should always start with references for the psychic and then follow their intuition. Always trust the inner voice we all have in life. We can stay attuned to the fact that simply knowing what may occur can indeed change it because of the attention drawn to the event. This is not bad as it can lead to a “life wake-up call” that forces us into deeper work and understanding.

When we go to a reader or oracle multiple times, the power is shifted from self to the reader. The number of readings within a year should be limited to prevent oracle abuse. Continually asking for guidance or signs related to the same event or time period creates desperate energy that can foster lack.

Readings are to be respected and seen as a way to support what is already known or as a way to track a general course. A psychic sees potential and what is probable in life, but you are not meant to sit idly by simply. We must continue to take appropriate action in faith that a spirit has a plan for life that will be revealed through the reading. The spirit will ultimately have the last say.

Try This:

If you find yourself repeatedly receiving readings on the same thing while getting hung up on the results, you must learn to let go and live for the here and now. This requires us each to set an intention each week, or day, to take action in the present and live deeper in each moment. These actions that are taken do not have to be about a future event or planning; they are more about the needs of that moment that may potentially affect the future. One way to keep ourselves more relaxed and focused on the moment is through meditation. Take time out daily or several times a week to simply meditate. There are apps available to help if needed. Taking small steps, and living in the now, can open up the future in unimaginable ways.

Comprehending Psychic Ability Relationships

Psychic Ability Relationships

Psychic abilities are frequently misunderstood, and so is the relationship between remote viewing and clairvoyance.

Although the remote viewing process is not complicated, some individuals view this psychic ability as one which is mysterious and hard to understand. Remote viewing is defined as the practice of seeking impressions about the unseen or something distant, supposedly by sensing things within the mind.

Some benefits are likely to come if everyone knew how to view remotely: getting solutions to problems would have been easy, misunderstandings would bring fewer conflicts, and fear of the unknown would be reduced.

I believe such things can occur because remote viewing is one psychic ability that I’m well conversant with. I comprehend and practice it. I would like to help you comprehend it more too.

What is Remote Viewing?

It is the capability of going beyond the rules imposed on you by space and time. It is through remote viewing that you can see people and events regardless of place and time. This can be disconcerting for some, but with practice the ability can grow for those who possess the gift.

Meaning you can see both the past, present and future easily. This also means that you do not need to be in physical proximity to what is being viewed.

Good psychics maximize their practice of remote viewing by writing down the impressions they get and evaluating them after.

Is There a Similarity between Clairvoyance and Remote Viewing?

Some say there is a similarity between the two; nevertheless, although they share some traits, clairvoyance is not the same as remote viewing. Clairvoyance means “clear seeing”; it is the ability to see psychic visions of the past, present, and future. Clairvoyance is a heightened psychic perception; therefore, it enables the psychic to see things that others who don’t have the psychic gift can’t see.

By comparison, remote viewers don’t have to possess a third eye.  This, therefore, means that there are two types of remote viewing: the one that naturally comes as part of being clairvoyant and that which comes into existence due to scientific involvement.

Remote Viewing as a Powerful Tool

Although some individuals don’t believe it, remote viewing is one of the most well-known researched tools by other individuals and organizations who are capable of influencing the future. However, researchers are split on whether this is a valid ability or not. However, many people who have experienced such a reading are likely strong believers.

Although a decision was finally made that remote viewing has no value, it remains a powerful tool for understanding the past, present, and future. Do not fear remote viewing, but utilize it as a tool or allow others to utilize it to gain insight into your life.

Long-Distance Readings: How Do They Work?

Long-Distance Readings

If you’ve ever wondered how a psychic can perform a long-distance reading or thought that a psychic couldn’t perform a reading over the phone or through a computer, then keep reading. This is definitely the article for you.

This is probably one of the questions that psychics get asked the most often. First, let’s get one thing straight: the psychic doesn’t connect with you through the phone or a computer. That’s simply the method that is used to communicate with you. As far as that’s concerned, the hardware is inconsequential because many powerful psychics could communicate with you telepathically if you were capable of receiving the messages and responding back.

Psychics connect to people in a different realm or on a plane that’s separate from the earthly realm. This realm holds all metaphysical information and is the source of all psychic and spiritual knowledge. This Universal Source of Higher Consciousness goes by many names and is expressed by many cultures and beliefs.

There are 3 planes or dimensions on earth that our human senses can normally detect, and a fourth dimension is a time. But, there are dimensions beyond these 4. In Quantum Physics, String Theory suggests that there are at least 11 other dimensions other than the 4 we know.

Powerful psychics have a Sixth Sense that allows them to reach one of these other planes or dimensions. We’re all connected to it; it’s just that some of us know how to get there or are able to get there easier than other people. Since we’re all connected to the plane, psychics can connect to people in the plane.

The internet is a good analogy for the plane. Once a psychic is connected to it, they can get messages from people. All that a psychic needs in order to connect with you on this plane are something like your name, your voice, or a picture. This information is a bit like giving them your IP address so that they can locate you and connect with you.

During a reading, once a psychic has connected with you, they increase their energy vibration. This is a bit like increasing the bandwidth, allowing information and energy to flow. They’re also able to sort of download and decrypt information they receive from you and the Source.

This is not only how psychics operate but mediums, as well. The main difference in how these two types of intuitives that connect to people is that psychics use these methods to connect to the living, while mediums use them to connect to the dead.

And, now you know. It doesn’t matter how much distance is between you and the psychic; they can still perform the reading because they can access another plane or dimension to perform the reading. So, you could be on the other side of the world, and a powerful psychic could still perform a reading for you.

How I Undertake Email Tarot Readings

Email Tarot Readings

I undertake many email readings. The reason why clients love them is that they are affordable, and I respond fast. There’s no waiting as you’ll get your answer within 48 hours. This is not true of all online or email available psychics, but my goal is to keep the client happy.

Here is how I operate with the tarot in the online world

Immediately after I receive payment, I email my clients to confirm that I have gotten it and ask them to send questions as soon as possible. I answer these questions in the order in which they come in, so there’s a line. At times I’m diligent about communicating, so you are likely not to hear from me, especially if you delay in asking the questions you want answers.

Prep time

I have to be ready before I start an email reading. My little ritual is simple:

  • I get a mug of tea
  • Light a candle
  • Make sure there’s no noise in the room

Undertaking the reading

After opening the email, I take two or a minute reading the question. This is because I have to comprehend the question fully and feel the vitality of the client. If you are curious, know that email readings carry energy too. Energy is energy, and anything a person feels, they feel it when typing their questions which comes loud and clear. You’ll know what I mean if you are energy sensitive.

The next thing I do is read the questions over and over again as I shuffle the deck. I put it upside down and pause. I cut the deck into three piles and put them back together again as I look at the question.

I stick to three or four card readings for email readings. This is the reason why. It gives me room to be fast and concise feedback tends to be more effective. Labored and long answers may look impressive, but a clear and to-the-point answer seems to hit the point home without thinking twice.

I then lay the cards in front of me and take a minute to assess them.

Then, I start typing. When I hit the keyboard, I’m in an altered state of mind. That’s why the room I’m in needs to be silent. I’m easily distracted by any disturbance. It should look like a monastery while I hit the keyboard.

I edit my work after typing my answer. I do not engage an editor to edit my work because my work is between my client and me; therefore, nobody should see it. Furthermore, the client’s information should be confidential.

When sure that it’s all good, I hit send. Delete the email and move on. I prefer starting on a clean slate; I, therefore, don’t hang on to email readings. That keeps me objective.

It takes me 20 minutes to complete this process. I love doing my readings in batches. Because when I’m in the groove, I’m way in and hate stopping that flow for even a moment.

Warning Signs of an Untrustworthy Psychic

Untrustworthy Psychic

People often tell stories about consulting in-person or online with a psychic and hear something suspicious while reading. Some people even report hearing dire warnings of impending tragedy and doom that can only be averted by paying the psychic suspiciously large amounts of cash.

There definitely are warning signs to watch for when consulting with psychics or others involved in the esoteric and metaphysical arts. Let’s explore five things you wouldn’t ever hear from a genuine and trustworthy psychic.

You’re Cursed or Possessed

This almost sounds too crazy to be true, right? But frequent cautionary tales abound warning people against psychics who’ve said these very things. The psychics not only scare their clients into thinking they’re possessed, but they also stress that they are the only person that could possibly help. For a couple hundred bucks now and a couple hundred more next week, they’ll be able to exorcise those pesky demons.

As if that’s not bad enough, they frequently warn their clients not to tell anybody else about the arrangement, explaining that it might anger the demons and make it more difficult to get rid of them! If a psychic lays this typical bait-and-switch tactic on you, leave, and don’t ever go back.

A common variation on this storyline is that you’re cursed, and this particular psychic is the only person who could possibly alleviate it. Of course, you could actually be cursed, but it’s likely you’d already know if you are. So if you actually are, any competent metaphysical practitioner could help you out.

The issue usually doesn’t deal with the reader’s competency as a psychic but rather with their honesty as a professional and a business person. Do they charge a fair rate for their time and skills? Or do they demand you to pay exorbitant upfront because they claim they’re the only person who could help you? If it’s the latter, run away. Fast.

Somebody Wants to Hurt or Kill You

Anybody who’s ever worked as a Tarot reader or psychic would attest that there aren’t many certainties in the business. Any well-trained intuitive Tarot reader or psychic could look at a spread of cards and discern warnings. But those warnings usually aren’t very specific.

A psychic may perceive hints that somebody you trust is being untruthful, is planning to betray you, or that you face danger in your relationship. But an honest psychic never tells you somebody wants to kill you. That’s way too specific to foresee. If there’s negative information, they certainly should share it with you along with the more positive things. But beware of any reader who tells you things that specific.

You’re a Terrible Person

Sometimes we hear of people becoming distraught after a psychic reading. It may have started out fairly well, but by the end, the reader has admonished and scolded the client so harshly that the client feels like a terrible person and leaves the reading in tears over some mistake in life that the psychic fixated on and wouldn’t let go.

Here’s the deal. Genuine psychics won’t judge you. Instead, they strive to offer practical consultations to help you assess the situations you face and discern both the possible and the most likely outcomes. They aren’t there to berate or belittle you, to point fingers, or shame you. Of course, there may be times when a psychic says things you may not like. But there are significant differences between sharing difficult truths in situations and being downright hateful. Good psychics know how to leave their personal biases and opinions out of their consultations.

You’re Terminally Ill

It’s terrible that this has to be addressed. But all too often, psychics tell people that they have some terminal illness. One heartbreaking Reddit post recently asked, “A psychic told me that I have Stage IV cancer and that I only have a few months left to live. I have two young children. What should I do?”

The short answer is, go to a medical doctor, and don’t ever go back to that psychic!

If a psychic reader says you have a specific disease, you should second-guess them. A good psychic certainly can tell if you or somebody in your family is facing an illness. They should say something like, “I’m concerned a family of yours may be facing a health issue. Is everybody current on their medical checkups?”

Even if the psychic does discern that somebody close to will soon face death, they should never tell you that Grandpa will be gone by next week. A far better and more realistic approach for them would be to say, “Your grandfather is frail and elderly. If you ever felt like you should spend extra time with him, now is the time to do it.”

Telling a client that they’ve contracted a specific disease is irresponsible. News like this only generates fear, and no genuine psychic would do that. Oh, and that Redditor mentioned above? She went to a medical doctor, and you guessed it—there was nothing wrong with her.

Your Future is Set in Stone

Can we choose our destiny? Or must we abide by the random whims of fate? Nobody can prove for certain either way, but everybody has some power regarding what happens in our lives. If you dislike the way events are unfolding, you can change things. You may have to make changes slowly and singly, but you can affect the outcome.

If a psychic tells you that the things they see are carved in stone and that you just need to deal with them, please be skeptical. You definitely have options, and you can forge your own path. It’s your journey, so you can choose where it will take you.

For a trustworthy reading with a genuine professional psychic, why wait? Set up an appointment with a PsychicOz.com reader right now!