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How Karma Works


The universe is made up of four different characteristics including dharma, karma, gyana and prema. Karma is the one that is most misunderstood. Karma is considered something that is unfathomable, but it is logical because it works with all of the creation, in life and in death.

Karma is more than logic and the more that you get it, the more that you are amazed at what it is. Karma can cause people to be close or to be separated. It can cause the weak people to be strong, the poor to be rich and because it is an action, it happens all the time.

There are three types of karma including Prarabdha, Sanchita and agami:

  • Prarabdha

This kind of karma is one that is the seed of the action. This is the karma that is already manifesting and is happening right now.

  • Sanchita

This karma is the action. With Sanchita karma, it becomes piled up and is something that can come to you in your mind. It can also be a manifestation, but it can be changed when you do things that are good in your life.

  • Agami

This kind of karma is what is manifesting now, something you cannot change. This is the karma that happens in the future and is one of action. It hasn’t happened yet, but it is going to happen because of something that you have done. It may not happen today, but it will happen.

Karma and Time

Karma is something that is bound by time because each action that you take in life will have some kind of reaction. Sometimes good people will come to you and will be thankful because of all of the good things that they are experiencing. This can be their good karma.

But then, there are times where good people are experiencing suffering and people wonder why this is happening to them. If this is happening, then chances are that they have done something wrong that needs to be paid back.

Karma and Reincarnation

Karma is what works with reincarnation. When someone is born into a family where there is violence and others born into a rich and wholesome family, this is part of karma. The impression and the possibility of living a better next life might cause someone to show more love, or even hate.

The mind can leave different impressions on people, and this can leave the body in a situation to come that will eventually cause there to be some kind of good or bad that comes back later.

Getting Rid of Karma

Getting rid of karma means that you are getting rid of impressions. Some of the karma that people gather cannot be changed and you just have to deal with it. People want to try to get rid of karma because of fear and they will meditate, but it will still not go away.

Suffering or goodness is something that can be seen as relative. The universe is a reality and even though the universe isn’t against you in any way, if you are doing good, you will get good karma and if you are doing bad, you will get bad karma.

By being aware and alert, you can get rid of karma by getting rid of impressions. This has to be strong enough to destroy the karma and bring you freedom from it.

The Importance of Lightwork and Shadow Work

The Importance of Lightwork and Shadow Work

There is a difference between a lightworker and Shadow work. When people try to raise their vibrations, they are doing lightwork and when people are trying to be more aware of their subconscious thinking, they are doing shadow work.

People are all on a different path in life and so doing shadow or light work is up to each person, but the problem is when there is condemning and putting down for those that aren’t doing the same work.

Throughout the years, you might find that people that are in spiritual fields will be connecting with the universe and will be looking internally at themselves. Their inner work can help them to see things in a different perspective and to figure out what is going on in their life.


Lightwork is a practice where someone is trying to raise their vibrational frequencies. They use their thoughts to create their reality and they try to understand the soul and what it means to reach their higher self.

They look at things differently and they want to be awakened. Lightworker can be healing, can use reiki, blessings, singing bowls and sound healing, positive affirmations, tarot cards, channeling, crystals, color therapy, light therapy and more.

Lightworker is someone that does these things and uses the same practices. If you are a lightworker then it means that you have a hard time with negativity.

Shadow workers suffer because they are using their energies to try to find out what they believe. The Law of Attraction will bring about energy that you release into the universe and if it is negative, you will reap negative emotions.

To heal yourself, you have to practice being positive. You have to work to change the world by raising your vibrations.

If you want to know what is going on in the souls of others, know that anyone that is trying to spread light is a lightworker.

The different way that you see yourself can be shadow work. What do you have there? Are there lost souls? What is the darkness inside of you? They want to figure out who they are so they can fix themselves. Many of them are narcissists and have dark personalities.

We can see these people as ones that manipulate and do things against others. They can have shifts in the spirit, and it is hard to understand things from their perspective.

People that are doing shadow work will look for healing because they want to understand what they are doing and want to be a light worker. They want to have a shift and they want to help those that are negative. They look into the deep parts of their emotion, but they often have a hard time getting out and raising their vibrations.

They might even use the word light to think of it as something fake. They let their ego take control of them and they don’t even shift their soul. The healing is almost impossible. We have to accept people in this path, even when they are suffering.

From this point of view, it is hard to not feel threatened by a person doing shadow work. We are sometimes vulnerable to this because it is hard for us to know that we have gifts that we have denied such as their intuition and psychic giftings. They don’t receive these gifts because they feel that they are painful. This causes them to feel rejected.

The awakening is part of growing and pains. It is part of light and being who you are. To get this support on your journey, you have to see the light and you have to go through suffering and pain. You have to find out what people have in their spiritual beings.

You need to connect with the light and see that your soul is full of light. You can understand that your light is full of life and that it is not rejected.

Shadow Work

Shadow work is when you look into yourself, and you look at the patterns that you have. This doesn’t mean you worship spirits or that you practice occult. This is a light work even though you are not full of light yet, it means that you are trying to find out the good in yourself.

Shadow work includes inner child work, emotional situations, healing journey, dream work, trauma therapy and more.

This is someone that is working towards light, and they are trying to get to the deeper issues that have caused them darkness. They are trying to find the truth and they want to find the reality that has been created. This is pain that they have felt.

We cannot change things that we don’t know. We cannot reach a higher place if we have never been in the same place.

Our minds will store negative emotions and beliefs and with the Law of Attraction, this means that you will reap negativity. The emotions can be there because of past trauma and if you believe that you cannot make your own life and have positive things, then you can have positive affirmations and meditation all night and never have the power.

To solve this, you have to figure out what is creating this in your life. You can change your focus after you learn to figure out how to heal and get rid of negativity.

This perspective can show you that shadow work can be to find the light. Teachers have to see things form a different perspective and learn to get rid of their ego. It means that their negativity can hurt others and even children. Some people will become narcissistic and will use their energy to meet their own needs.

If your ego controls you, your emotions will be out of control, and it will be hard to be your real self. Shadow work is important, and it is part of your karma. Sometimes you have to deal with these things to be able to bring light.

People do not like shadow work because they feel that there is too much negativity. They think that the person is being a coward and is not brave, but this is where the truth lies. A person that has to look at this truth is very brave, and they can become true once they realize what they are finding.

They can find healing here and learn to feel accepted and safe. We see that some people will not think that finding light is present in shadow work but that is not true. You have to sometimes have shadow work so that you can move forward. You have to have light to reach a higher dimension, but you cannot reach this light when you have such negativity in your life.

Look at who you are and find out your giftings. Uncover what is in your shadow and learn to accept who you are.

Surround yourself with people that understand you and be vulnerable to them. Lightworkers are there to help you and to bring you light. They can bring shadow workers light and help them to have a better life and to have healing.

Integration Changes

Once you look deeper at a lightworker and a shadow worker you will see that both want to be more aware. They want to be able to see things in life and they want to live in a safe and loving world. They want to be accepted and not rejected.

Rejection can be hard for both lightworkers and shadow workers. It is part of the negative emotions that many feels. Shadow workers sometimes reject psychic giftings, but they are creative and experienced.

The integration will come, and they will be able to be vulnerable and to give of themselves. A lightworker can come and see what is needed and will see that rejection is part of life but will acknowledge this and help them to heal.

This will help the shadow worker to be ablet o get over trauma by embodying the world around them. They will accept that they were rejected and will move on. They will find people that are safe to be around, and they will split into an internal and external world.

They will be compassionate and understanding because of their experiences and they will relate to people that want light and love. They will use light and love to help others and they will be tuned into their own identity.

When we see that everyone has some shadow self, we can learn that the negative feelings can be accepted and healed. We can see that the light of the lightworkers have acceptance and approval and that they have the power to fix things.

The truth is when you are able to handle heart matters, you will see that everyone wants to have approval and is able to give to others. Even in rejection, there is positivity and even though people go through phases in their life, it doesn’t mean better things won’t come.

People are retraumatizing ourselves and trying to go places even when they aren’t ready. This is why shadow workers have a hard time accepting lightworkers sometimes because they have different ways of looking at things. Lightworkers are not always able to take steps to heal the lives and emotions of others. They heal at a surface level, but shadow work is a deeper level of fixing things.

Healing happens in a natural way and the universe is a healing place. We can see things at a different level, and we have the opportunity to become something better. If you learn to believe in healing, you will see that you can bring abundance and manifest things in your life that are good.

We sometimes try to force our hearts to be open, but we don’t feel safe, and this can cause this to be hard. Our hearts are open sometimes and this is an honest way to love yourself and to start practicing self-love and compassion.

When you take a step back and you allow yourself to trust, you will see that you can choose people that will love you and will take care of you. You will have self-love and you will deny people from playing with your emotions and they will see you differently.

Different Perspective

Once you learn to see that there are differences between light and shadow work, you can see that both of these are part of an awakening. There are phrases that will help your spiritual journey and it will bring hope and compassion to people. You can have prejudices against you but once you learn to know that the world is meant to have harmony, you can forgive those that are not able to do better.

Do not put each other down but make the choice to have love, no matter what. Stop judging people negatively and be more creative in love.

Shadow and lightwork are loving yourself more. When you stop letting others decide who you are, you can love yourself more. You can understand others and their faults, and you can make an effort to have things better.

If you want to be perfect and you practice love, you will see that you can be fine and that you can live a good life without heartache and pain.

What are Indigo Children?

Indigo Children

Do you ever wonder why you have felt different when you were growing up or when you were a child? If so, chances are you were an indigo child.

Maybe you were overly sensitive, or you had more intuition than you could explain. You might have been someone that never fit in.

If you were born between 1978 and 1988 then you are an indigo child. You could have been made for a purpose.

Knowing If You are an Indigo Child

You may have been an indigo child. Some will realize that they are special when they are young but for others it takes longer.

What Are Indigo Children?

Indigo children are part of the star children, and they have different energies. They are warriors and fighters.

Some star children include:

  • Rainbow children.
  • Wise Ones.
  • Pleiadeans.
  • Incarnated Angels.
  • Crystal Children.

Traits of Indigo Adults and Children

People that are indigo are loving and compassionate. They are smart and they are more trusting and are able to look deep inside of themselves. Here are some traits of them:


These children are creative and are often writers, sculptures, designers, or writers.


These children want to know everything, and they ask why a lot.

Psychic Empaths

Most indigo children are empaths, and they are more sensitive than others. They are able to feel the emotions that people have, and they want to heal them. They cannot watch violence or listen to the news.


These children are often rebelling at school. They get board easily and sometimes are considered problems.

Want Equality

These people want people to be treated the same. They believe everyone deserves love.


Indigo people are natural leaders. They support others and help spirituality purposes.

Solve Problems

They are smart and they want to solve the problems that people have. They are not broken, and they will do what they can to make things better.


Indigo children are often stressed because of the energy around them. They are sensitive and they have a lot of stimulation. These people should not drink too much caffeine.


Indigo children and adults often have strong intuition. They are able to know things, able to see things and even see the auras of others.

Focus Well

These people are more focused than others.  They process information easily and they are ablet to do things quickly.

Healthy Eaters

Star children like to eat things that are healthy, and they are often vegan.

Sensitive to Electronics

Indigo people are sensitive to electronics, lights, and other things. They cannot wear watches on their wrists.

Looking for Knowledge

Indigo children want to have all of the answers and they are always seeking for a purpose.


If you have the characteristics of an indigo, then chances are that you are one. Embrace your giftings and learn to help yourself and others.

When Your Heart Chakra Opens

Chakra Opens

Yoga is something that can help you to look at your chakras and your energy centers and see that your chakras are opened or if they are blocked. The heart chakra is one of the chakras that is very important to keep open and strong.

When you lose someone that you love, your heart chakra can become blocked, or it can get unbalanced. This can happen because you are hurting in your heart and the pain that you are feeling can cause you to have fear or depression.

When you are afraid, you are afraid of opening up to love or you are afraid of being vulnerable. This means that you become afraid to make a strong connection with someone because you are afraid of being hurt or that they will die.

When someone close to you dies, it can cause your relationship with others to be different. It can cause you to start shutting people out that play a big role in your life. This can happen because your heart chakra is blocked and because of the pain that you experienced in your life.

Does Your Heart Chakra Need Balancing?

You can know when your heart chakra needs balanced because of different symptoms that you will experience. If your heart chakra is closed, you might feel these things:

  • Breathing problems.
  • Heart problems.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Infections.
  • Being too critical of yourself.
  • Being overly critical of others.
  • Not having empathy.
  • Demanding.
  • Having a victim mentality.
  • Not being able to set boundaries.

Even though opening up your heart chakra can take weeks or even years, when your energy is flowing through your heart chakra correctly, you will see that you will feel better in your life.

This takes time and it doesn’t happen right away. Healing means that you are working through things, and this can even mean that you need to work through some physical things. This is why yoga is something that can work to help you open up your heart chakra.

Movement and Yoga

Any kind of movement can help you. When you meditate, this can also help you to take time to drive out thoughts that are negative and that are hurting you in your life and in your relationships. You have to learn to be aware of what your negative thinking is and then you can change it.

You need to learn to speak positively saying things like, “Today is the day that I will have a strong heart chakra.” By doing this, you will bring positivity in your life, and you are making a true effort to change yourself and to heal. When you make an effort to talk to other people in your life that you love, it helps to open up your heart chakra as well.

Losing a loved one can be one of the hardest things that you have to go through in your life. It takes time to heal, and chances are that you might shut down for a while or that your heart chakra might get blocked.

You have to work to let things go and learn to love and let your heart chakra open up and become balanced. Take time to be positive and to move your body so that you can start to heal.

Sending Your Twin Flame Love

Sending Your Twin Flame Love

People often wonder about their twin flame and when they will meet them and some people when they are beginning in their journey wonder if there is a way that they can send their future twin flame love from a distance.

There is a way that you can send love to your twin flame from a distance, and you can do this by channeling your love.

Your heart has to be open and believing in order to send your twin flame love because the love has to flow from you to them with there being a distance in between.

Since twin flames are connected from the soul and the heart, the love is there automatically and when you feel love in your own heart, your twin flame can feel it too.

If you want to send unconditional love to your twin flame, you have to learn to channel this kind of energy. Channeling this kind of energy is a powerful thing and you can reach love and oneness with your twin flame.

You have to first understand what oneness is. When you have a twin flame, they are the other half of your soul. This means that with the universe, you and your twin flame are already one. This is the energy of oneness and the energy of the universe that you feel when you manifest love to your twin flame.

You have to be comfortable with being one with your twin flame and you have to know that this is a reality for you and share your emotions and your energies in a positive way.

Maybe you are thinking about the oneness, and you know that you aren’t feeling well, and you wonder if your twin flame is sick as well. Even though you haven’t been around them, chances are that since you are connected, they are probably sick too.

If you have met your twin flame and you are in a relationship with them in some sort, you may be thinking about them, and you might text them just to get a text back to them right at the same time. Once again, this happens because you are one.

The twin flame connection is not always easy to understand but when you send energy to your twin flame, you are doing this because this is part of you and part of them at the same time.

You are consciously sending them energy and you can do this with your twin flame right now and wherever you are.

You have to know that this is something that you never have to force because energy is not something that you can just control and force to do what you want. When you decide to love your twin flame and share a connection with them, this automatically makes the energy connected.

If you want to connect with your twin flame, you need to make sure that your vibrational frequency is high and that it is not in a low state. Do not try to make them talk to you and do not try to force them to be what you want them to be, just love them, forgive them, accept them for who they are and be thankful that you are able to have this connection with them.

Here are some things that you can do:

  • First you need to relax. Do this by taking a couple of minutes to close your eyes and to deep breathe. You can meditate right here and let go of any fear or stress.
  • Go into your heart space and pay attention how your energy goes from your mind to your heart. Any questions that you have, ask now because your heart has the answers.
  • Let the energy of love fill your heart and flow through you. You will feel this energy and it will be good and it will make you feel joy.
  • Allow the energy to go throughout your body and into the room. Think of all the types of love that you can have. If you have things that you need to forgive, do it now and be thankful for the things that you do have.
  • Let the loving energy flow out of you and go to the universe.
  • Feel the energy going into your twin flame. Imagine the energy going into your twin flames heart space and filling them up. Let them accept anything that you are giving to them now.
  • Take tie to rest and to heal. The energy will stop flowing naturally when the time is right.

Sharing love with your twin flame is a special thing and it is something that you can do to make your path work out better for you and your twin flame and a way to make your union stronger.

Tarot Reading and Advice for Mediums

Tarot Reading

People sometimes call tarot readings psychic advice because they are able to look at what a card means and they can read it to tell the past, present and future. When you do a reading, you need to look at the cards and see what stands out to you or what the card makes you feel or think.

The cards have different descriptions but no matter what that says, you need to tune into your own knowledge and see what it makes you feel. Since everyone has some psychic powers, you can pay attention to what you are feeling, and you can learn to know what the cards mean.

Finding Tarot Powers

You have to learn to look at the card and really study it. See what it makes you feel and what it makes you think. If you have something that is upsetting you at the time, your tarot card can help you to figure out what is wrong and how to make it better.

If you had a card that had a picture on it, did that picture make you feel good? What would you say about it? Do you feel that it is leading you to a certain thing?

You have to learn to trust what your intuition tells you and you can do this by letting your mind wander. You can write down what the card means to you.

Picking the Card

The first card can mean strength. That means that you are strong, and you are able to do things. This can mean that you also are:

  • Compassionate
  • Gentle
  • Loving
  • Powerful
  • Courageous

You need to have the power to believe in yourself and to find out what your giftings are.

Tarot Card Two

The second card is the wheel of fortune card. This is found in the Major Arcana deck. This is a card that has a good message for you. It can take what is bad and give you luck.

If you are in a bad situation, this card can mean that you are going to have something happen to you that helps you to grow.

You might meet someone new, or you might have an opportunity come up that you never expected.

Card Three

The third card is the 4 of Pentacles and this can mean that you have a blockage in your life. Maybe something happened that caused you to be withdrawn and made you feel that you had to keep yourself safe.

When you put this barrier up to keep yourself safe, you forget that you could no longer feel love or feel abundance because of the boundaries. You have to let these things go and speak with your heart.

Card Four

The Six of Wands tells you that you will have victory come to you. You will keep moving forward and you will be rewarded because of that. You will learn to celebrate who you are and to let your victory make you feel good. This can be a financial or a spiritual victory. Maybe you need people to love you and you will find that.

Pay attention to each card and see what it tells you. Once you do that, write it down so you can remember what it tells you.

Questions a Love Psychic Can Never Answer

The Questions a Love Psychic Can Never Answer

One of the biggest reasons that people go to psychics is over their relationship. People want to know more about their partner, wanting to know if they are being faithful and if they really love them. Even though a psychic can answer many different kinds of questions, there are some that your psychic might not be able to answer.

What Questions Can a Psychic Answer?

Psychics are not able to tell you exactly what the future holds because this is all up to your free will. They can give you a chance to know and understand the path that you are on, but you have to decide the outcome based on your own choices.

What Questions Can a Psychic Not Answer?

Some of the questions that your love psychic will not be able to ask you are ones that are detailed or are date specific. They will not be able to tell you how to make someone love you or how to know if the person that you are with is the right person for you.

No one can really answer if your partner is perfect for you, especially if they are not at the reading.

When you talk to your psychic, they can tell you if they see your soulmate, but they will not be able to give you a specific date or time as to when you are going to be married.

The thing about the spiritual world is that it doesn’t work in a certain timeframe the way that the world works. Love and relationships are all based on choices that you make and so no psychic is going to be able to tell you exactly what is going to happen because they cannot read your free will.

Questions to Ask a Psychic

Here are some questions that your psychic can answer for you:

  • What is the best path for me to have a happy relationship?
  • What can I change to be more successful in my life?
  • How can I attract the right partner for me?
  • How can I heal my broken heart?
  • What are some things I can do to feel more secure?
  • Is my relationship good right now?

A psychic can help you if you are dealing with problems in your relationship and if you want to get information that is not specific, then your psychic can help you to be on the right path in your life. If you want to be successful, find the things in your relationship that are holding you and your partner back.

A psychic can also advise you on making good decisions in your relationships. They can help you to know what you need to change to find the right partner and to become more successful.

One great thing that a psychic can help you with is how to set expectations that are doable and can help you to make your relationships healthy and strong. They can help you to upgrade your energies and the energy between you and your partner. This doesn’t tell you the future, but it allows you to choose a path that might help you to better yourself and your relationship.


There are some questions that your psychic is not going to be able to answer for you. Anything that you ask that is time or future related might not be able to be answered during a love reading. Make sure that you are asking open ended questions that your psychic can help you with when you decide to get a psychic love reading.

Self-Healing for Chakras

Self-Healing for Chakras

Anyone who knows anything about chakras knows that there are seven main ones in your body, but what do you really know about chakras?

There is a strong perception that people have when they talk about chakras and the Yogic history behind them.

When you want your chakra open, you have to change your mindset and learn to meditate so that you can get your mind, body and soul aligned with what you need, including that of healing.

Doing yoga meditation can help you to heal and can help you to change the negative feelings out of your mind. Yoga is something that is a physical practice, and you can attain yoga when you reach Asanas.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel, and this means that the chakras move and that the energy of the seven chakars is important to different parts of the body.

According to Ayurvedic Medicine, your body has different blockages and different diseases, and you can use things such as Reiki and other healing things in order to balance your chakras and to make them strong.

You must always remember though that yoga is always changing and that you will heal yourself once you learn to work and do things from the inside of your body and outside. This means that you can use Alkaline Wellness to heal you from the inside out.

Inside Yourself

Learn to look inside first, as according to Yoga traditions and see what kind of spiritual practices that you have. You can learn to take the state of mind that you have and to be strong.

Do not be ignorant to what is going on inside of you and realize that you have your own perception of what reality is. You have to learn to create a self where the physical body becomes strong.

Part of living and reaching your higher self is raising your vibrational frequency and having thoughts that we are aware of so that, we are positive.

When your chakras are closed, you can still have a balanced mentality and be strong in your mind. The real reason to open up your chakras is so that you can not be limited to something physically holding you back.

Roles of the Chakras

The chakras are part of your energy center and part of your spiritual centers. This affects you in your mind and body.

When you look at yoga, you find that there is a physical part of this that helps to keep you strong and that is the secondary role of the chakra system.

When you look at yoga, you measure what you can see. That is part of the western culture but in the eastern culture, people measure things that are going on inside of the body that cannot be seen.

The parts of your physical and mental body affect who you are.


The chakras will function and will help you to reach your energy source. The kundalini is part of your body that sometimes is not awake.

This is not something physical that you can change or manipulate but it is beyond what your body is doing and feeling.

The thoughts that you have affect your mind, body and soul and you have to change your mindset to make sure that you can really reach your inner self.

In the west, people use their chakras to determine their physical body and they do not use the logic of how it affects you overall.

The chakras are the rules of your body, and they work in areas such as the navel and the throat. They control different parts of who you are.

When your chakras are strong and open, you will feel good, and you will be aware of who you are.

Physical to Inner Parts

In order for your mental body to be strong, your physical body has to be balanced. You can use yoga to help you do this with movements and how you breath.

When you open up your chakras, it can make your ego stronger, and it will make you live beyond what your body says.

Your chakra can make you more aware of who you are beyond your physical being. When you figure out who you are, you can open up your chakras and you can make sure that you have your ego in check. This can keep your mind and body strong.

Ancient yoga tells us that having a healthy diet and the right mindset is what will help you and if you are not aligned and you are imbalanced, you will see that you need to heal.

Healers can help you to deal with the physical problems, but you have to be aware of what is going on inside of you to align your inner being.

No one can heal your chakras, but you can do things such as dieting, using herbs, using essential oils and other measures to have a healthy inner being.

You need to practice yoga on your own to grow and to experience what it can do for you.


You need to make sure that you are always striving to heal. You need your mind, body, and soul to be together and you can manifest healing into your life.

Be strong on your journey and bring healing into your life.

Eight Simple Steps to Begin Automatic Writing

Automatic Writing

Did you know it’s possible to use writing to consult and communicate with spiritual beings? People have long discussed, shared, and practiced different methods for communing supernaturally with higher powers. As far back as the 1500s, distinguished poets and writers documented their pursuit of accessing angels and spiritual guides to seek answers related to their lives and to transform their work. During the 1800s, such divination attempts became more culturally and socially acceptable, as all things mythical were then fashionable.

In the 1870s, an obscure publisher turned spiritualist in the United States claimed he channeled author Charles Dickens’ spirit after Dickens’ death and even received the last part of the book The Mystery of Edwin Drood. The publisher reportedly attempted the contact partly due to Dickens’ fans’ disappointment that the author’s death had left the book unfinished.

Also involved in the process where Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries; romantic poet W. B. Yeats, as well as their wives. The women conducted public information-gathering sessions, then passed the questions on so they could be asked of recently deceased individuals and the rest of the spiritual realm.

More About the Process

Automatic writing is fundamental in this specific method of channeling spirits. Automatic writing is the psychic phenomenon in which a person writes without using the conscious mind.

As with everything related to psychic pursuits, there exists a certain amount of controversy regarding the truth of this concept. Truth manifests for individuals in both objective and subjective manners. Rather than attempting to direct you on how or what you should believe, the steps below will simply instruct you on how to access a type of inspiration that you may not have previously considered.

Here is a straightforward, step-by-step process you can follow to begin communicating with the spiritual realm through automatic writing.

There’s not a correct, one-size-fits-all method for recording the information that flows through you, so you need to choose which mode of writing you’ll use. Some practitioners favor the old-fashioned physical presence of paper and pens. Others find it easier to free their mental influence as they allow their fingers to fly over a laptop or computer keyboard. Whichever method you choose, you’ll need to relax, ease into the process, and naturally flow with what transpires.

  1. Find a safe, calm environment to engage in your writing fully. You’ll inhibit the flow if you can’t be confident and relaxed. The trick is finding a secure, private place where you can write.
  2. Determine the amount of time you will spend writing.
  3. Take several minutes to calm your mind and control your breath. Meditate as you feel comfortable, with your eyes open or closed, but maintain physical contact with the paper and pen. If you’re using a computer, softly maintain fingertip contact on the keyboard. This can take several minutes or more.
  4. When you’re feeling relaxed, let your pen flow across the page or your fingers move across the keys. Keep your mind open and let thoughts flow freely. Don’t judge or be concerned regarding where they’re coming from.
  5. Begin asking the spirits questions. Be as specific as you can. Don’t worry about understanding the answers at this point; simply write what comes to your mind.
  6. Keep writing for the entire amount of time you allocated yourself.
  7. End your writing session by psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally grounding yourself. Then, bring your full consciousness back to your physical location and the position of your body. Doing something physically active, such as rubbing your limbs, torso, head, or face, may help you redefine your physical boundaries. Or, try jumping up and down or taking a shower. The point is to consciously transition yourself from the fully mentally open state to your conventional, routine physical limits.
  8. After an hour, a day, or longer, read what you wrote to discover what you manifested. This is no time for judgment—simply read what you wrote with a curious mindset!

The answers you’re seeking may turn up this time, next time, or even the time after that. Indeed, the treasure you need often shows up unbidden and unexpected, so remain contemplative and embrace the possibilities and ideas.

It’s crucial to trust yourself and your intuition throughout the automatic writing process, so if you feel uncomfortable or anxious in any way, step away and return to the attempt later.

If you feel emotionally uncomfortable, spiritually disturbed, or are envisioning and recording negative, upsetting, or dark thoughts and concepts, stop immediately and force your attention and awareness back onto your physical surroundings. Focus on your connections to your physical environment, and imagine that the space is flooded with bright, clear, positive light.

Discerning the Meaning

Whatever you write, it’s important for you to interpret it in a way that seems right to you. The metaphysical realm is a powerful source of information and knowledge. We often can’t pinpoint why or how we know things, but we know that we know them. So continue trusting yourself, and let knowledge and wisdom bubble forth with no restrictions.

As with other spiritual processes, practice and engagement are essential when it comes to automatic writing. The more you practice, the easier it will become, and the greater your ability will be to open up, receive wisdom, and journey to previously uncharted places.

So, find a place you can relax and be cozy. Then, open yourself up both consciously and spiritually, and wait for insights to arrive. Communication with spiritual beings will provide you with guidance, enhance your experiences, and add elements of creativity and joy to your life. After all, the truth is both out there and inside.

Western Vs. Vedic Astrology

Western Vs. Vedic Astrology

When comparing the Western and Vedic astrology charts, you will first notice how different things look. The Western chart is often the most familiar and has a round shape, but the Vedic chart is square. Those familiar with Western astrology who look at the Vedic chart will think the planets are misaligned as far as the constellations or signs. However, a natal chart reading will reveal that the differing sign and house changes are considered on the Vedic chart. For example, in Western astrology, you may be a sun sign as a Capricorn, but in the Vedic system, you could be in the house of Sagittarius. This can also change your rising signs, and the other planets may be in differing signs. This does not mean the Vedic version is less accurate, but it does calculate things differently. Therefore, the interpretations are actually more precise than those of Western astrology.

Vedic astrology often gives a much better and more accurate view of a person’s karmic tendencies and when these tendencies are most likely to manifest for that person. Using the Vedic system, the timing of life events is shown through a highly complex system of planetary time cycles known as dashas. Western astrology does not have a method that corresponds to this. Western astrologers who make a study of astrology often end up converting to Vedic astrology due to the scope and accuracy.

Astronomical Differences

The most basic difference between these systems is that the Vedic zodiac is Sidereal while the Western is Tropical. In Sidereal astrology, the zodiac aligns with 27 constellations. Aries aligns with the constellation Aswini. In the tropical zodiac, the point in space when the sun crosses the equator is the starting point of the zodiac, also Aries. Since the earth’s equator shifts backward through the zodiac signs to a certain degree each year, the theoretical Aries drifts further from the Aries used by Vedic astrologers. In the Western and Vedic Aries, the zodiac plane was once the same, but due to the equinoxes, there is now a degree of difference. Making the charts quite different.

If interested in astrology, it is best to read and study both forms to decide which you feel is more accurate and functional in your own life and practice. As mentioned, those who practice astrology often end up preferring the Vedic option, but Western is more familiar to people who may want a reading or chart created. It is a personal decision that each person must make for themselves. So, be open to exploring both options and learn from both practices to make sure you are learning as much as possible.