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Unblocking The Chakra with at Home Exercises

Unblocking Your Chakra

There are different kinds of therapies that you can do to help treat problems at home. These are holistic treatments that can help to heal the mind, body, and spirit. This can help you to have a change in your mindset.

The chakras are part of your energy system and people are becoming more aware of this and they are working towards healing their chakras and concentrating on their wellbeing. People are becoming aware that their bodies are made up of energy and that the chakras help to keep this energy balanced and strong.

The idea of energy and health is part of both modern and holistic medicine, but the ancient people focused more on the energy balance and the health and blockages in their energy that caused people to have physical and mental issues.

The idea that energy is not seen, makes it hard for people in modern medicine to fully understand the vibrations of the energy and that the vibrations affect a person’s health.

The problems are that people are not able to feel the vibrations and so understanding what is going on inside has to be done without proof. The chakra system can help you to connect to your energy in your body and help you to make a good impact on your own healing.

When your energy is moving the right way and is not blocked, you will find that you feel healthy and strong but when it is blocked, chances are that you have problems in your physical and mental body such as digestive or heart problems.

There are seven main chakras in the body and each chakra helps with part of the body and its functions. Each chakra is based on a color and the energy that you have inside of you can help you to know if you have a physical problem that you need to pay attention to.

When you learn to connect with your chakras, you can listen to your body and find out what is unbalanced and what is working correctly.

Root Chakra

The Root chakra is the chakra that connects you to the earth. This is the place where you have attachment and fear or where you feel safe and confident in your life.

Color:  Red

Where is it located?  The perineum

Signs of being unbalanced: The feelings of anxiousness or allergy attacks in the body. The immune system might not be functioning correctly.

There are things you can do to balance your Root chakra such as:

  • Walking outside in nature barefoot.
  • Going into the grass.
  • Going to the beach and walking in the sand.
  • Meditating and imaging the root taking place and grounding you.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral chakra is part of your body that is where you know who you are and understand your sense of being. This is sometimes blocked and when it is you might not know who you are, or you might feel fearful.

Location:  Lower abdomen and pubic area.

Color:  Light orange, orange.

Signs of being unbalanced:  Pain in the pelvic area, trouble with sexual desires, being too sensitive. Problems loving and having intimacy with someone.

Some exercises that you can do to balance your Sacral chakra include:

  • Focusing on your connection between your body and your mind and your physical being.
  • Vipassana meditation.

Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra helps you to know who you are and helps you to identify with yourself. This can be the place where you have confidence and self-esteem. This is where you are able to have boundaries and to have peace and joy in your life.

Location:  The belly button area.

Color:  Yellow, dull yellow, bright yellow.

Signs it is unbalanced:  Problems with digestion, eating problems, stomach problems, ulcers, diabetes.

Some exercises that you can do to balance the Solar Plexus chakra include:

  • Getting rid of energy by doing deep breathing exercises.
  • Screaming and pounding your pillow if you need to.
  • Playing basketball or hitting golf balls.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the place where you have love and compassion. This is where you feel either rejected or accepted by others. This is where your peace and happiness and love fall and where you can find yourself and your place with others. This is where unconditional love falls.

Location: Center of the chest.

Color:  Green, blue, and pink.

Signs this is unbalanced:  Problems with circulation, skin problems, sleep disorders, heart problems and back problems.

You can try different exercises to balance the Heart chakra such as:

  • Meditating
  • Imagining green light covering you.
  • Learning to love yourself.
  • Yoga.

Throat Chakra

The place that you communicate and express yourself is in your throat chakra. This is also where your creativity lies.

Location:  In the throat.

Color:  Blue

Signs it is unbalanced:  Not being able to tell the truth, not being able to communicate well or talk to others effectively, thyroid problems.

You can do different exercises to keep your Throat chakra strong such as:

  • Repeating mantras.
  • Saying the truth.
  • Saying what you need to say.
  • Talk to others.

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye chakra is the place where you are able to reach your spiritual being and where you can see things from different perspectives. This is where your intuition lies.

Location: Middle of the forehead.

Color:  Purple, indigo.

Signs it is unbalanced:  Having headaches, not being able to make good decisions, hormone problems, nightmares.

You can do different exercises to help you strengthen the Third Eye chakra such as:

  • Putting your attention on your third eye and imagine a purple light coming out of your forehead.
  • Meditating.
  • Deep breathing.
  • Practice making good decisions.
  • Listening to your inner being.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra helps you to listen to your mind and to connect with the universe.

Location: Top of the head.

Color: Purple or violet.

Signs it is unbalanced:  Feeling stressed and anxious, being depressed, sleeping problems, social problems.

Some exercises that you can do to balance your Crown chakra include:

  • Trees pose.
  • Using “om” chants.
  • Doing yoga.
  • Doing headstands.
  • Singing.

Ways to Clean Your Aura

Burning Sage

Your aura is a field of energy that extends several inches beyond your physical being.  If you have ever sense someone approaching you despite never touching or speaking to you, that is because they have brushed up against your aura.  Just like you must regular clean your hair and skin, so to must you cleanse your aura periodically.  Your aura accumulates an array of external stimuli that influences and impact you throughout the day.  Cleaning ensures you remove any negativity or excess energy to ensure you remain energetically balanced.

How to Clean Your Aura

Energy cleansing differs from how you clean your physical body.  Since aura is comprised of energy it requires specialized care.  There is an array of method that comes from around the world to help you maintain optimal energetic balance.

  • Burning Sage and Incense

Smudging yourself with incense or sage smoke is a popular method of cleansing.  Sage is typically preferred, but sandalwood incense is also effective.  Be aware that many herbs and resins can trigger allergic reactions. If you do smudge, make sure you do carefully in a well-ventilated space and be careful to extinguish any falling embers to avoid a fire.

  • Essential Oils

Diluted essential oils can be used at home or work in a diffuser to cleanse your aura and energy lingering in a particular room.  These oils can both be a purifying and protective influence.  Similar to smudging, essential oils can trigger allergic reactions, especially to the skin.  Ensure you dilute any oils and, if you have sensitive skin, do a patch test before using products containing essential oils on your body.  Some essential oils can be harmful to pets, so speak to your vet about oils that are safe to use around your beloved companions.

  • Crystals

Crystals and gemstones, especially Rose quartz, can purify your aura.  You can wear these minerals as jewelry or carried them in a small bag or pocket.  Ensure you regularly clean and charge your crystals and gems to maintain their effectiveness.   Submerge your crystals in a clear glass bowl filled with water.  Place the bowl outdoors or near a window to receive the Universe’s energies via sun and moon rays.

  • Aura Sprays

Sprays using a base of water or witch hazel are a great way to receive the benefits of cleansing oils, herbs, and crystals.  Sprays help create a uniformed effect on your aura.  Use your intuition to direct what materials will go into your spray as energy levels, challenges, and goals are influenced by the energetic properties of these items.  Again, be cautious of how certain items can create allergic reactions.  Also remember to cleanse and recharge your crystals.

Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

Spirituality is a strong thing and many wonder if there are signs that you are going through a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening is often misunderstood and can be confusing to some. It is important to know if you are going through a spiritual awakening or if something else is going on.

What is Spirituality and Enlightenment

One of the reasons that people are misunderstood is because they do not know what is going on in their life. People look at spirituality and they think of it as an experience that they will have. The problem with this is that spirituality is not just a physical thing but a mental thing.

Enlightenment is something that has different meanings as well. This is associated with your mind and is when you are reaching your higher self. Enlightenment does not mean that you are awaked in your spirit or that you are mentally aware.

What Does Spiritual Awakening Mean?

Spiritual awakening means that you are in a reality that goes beyond the ego or the self. When this happens, you let go of your ego and you no longer allow it to control you. This is when you allow your higher self to come out.

Most people are more than just humans and the ego are part of the behaviors that you have. If you are a Taoist, you will realize that you have been conditioned by the earth since you were born.

An awakening means that Taoists are part of the self and the spirit is what makes you human.

Spiritual Awakening Versus Psychic Awakening

One of the most confusing things is that the spiritual and psychic awakening are often considered the same thing. A psychic awakening means that your pineal gland is activated, and this can be a dimension that is beyond space and time.

A spiritual awakening means that your heart opens up and you are becoming one with your body and soul.

Ego and Spirit

The ego is the lower soul and it is where you believe that you are in control. Your ego will have you saying things such as:

  • I am (your name).
  • I have a job.
  • I have a mother.
  • I have a car.
  • I think I am strong.

The ego is possessive of your life and you cannot separate yourself from your ego, until you reach that period of your life.

The lower soul or the ego is based on negative things and pleasures that you have. You have this so that you can meet your own needs but there are cons to this. The higher soul or the higher else is not made based on needs but it is a calming spirit that is loving, understanding and full of intuition.

The ego is full of knowledge of things we have learned but the spirit knows what is important and about the state of being in the body.

What Happens in an Awakening?

Learn to identify the ego. When your awakening begins, you need to learn to reach your higher self. You have to reach your wholeness, but this is an individualized thing and no awakening is the same.

No matter what you believe, you will not have a single moment where you are awake, but you will experience different things.

You will learn to develop and to grow spiritually but this takes time.

There are reasons that people are confused about their awakening and this is an experience where there is oneness and where there is change that comes along.

False Signs

Before you look at the symptoms of an awakening, there are different false signs that might come:

  • Thinking You are Good

Many people think that they are good, and others are evil. This is something that is taught in many different cultures. This can require shadow work and when you learn to stop judging others, you will become a better person.

  • Being a Spiritual Person

Falsely thinking that you are religious is wrong. This is not a spiritual thing, and this includes both your body and your mind.

When you see yourself as spiritual, you see things the way that the ego sees them.

  • Love and Light

When you are looking for goodness, you will see that you need to develop and change. Being spiritual means that you are showing people that you are a good person. This might make you feel better about who you are, but it does not make your spirit grow.

Spiritual awakening will make you face your anger, grief and all of the negative things and make you come to terms with them.

  • Being Nice

Pretending to be nice is not part of a spiritual awakening but a part of being immature. You were taught by your parents and teachers that you needed to be kind and behave yourself.

If you re acting nice, someone is probably manipulating you such as your parents. You do this so that you can be approved by others.

  • Believing You are Better

There is a pattern of the ego and when you are going through your spiritual awakening you will realize that you are judgmental and rude.

Here is what happens to show you are in a trap:

  • Reading spiritual texts.
  • Joining a religious group.
  • Practicing spiritual things.
  • Finding a spiritual teacher.

Specialness means you re full of your ego and you feel that you have found yourself. This is where you need to develop and be awakened.

  • Spiritual Bypass

The biggest trap that you will have is a spiritual bypass. This is where you will ignore emotional wounds, and these have to be addressed so that you can develop. You will resist this and be uncomfortable and this can be part of your childhood trauma. This can be a trigger from your environment and form your past.

Awakening Signs

There are some signs that you are going through your awakening:

  • Changes in Behavior

One of the biggest signs is that you will change your daily behavior. You will stop being addicted to things and you will change how you feel.

You will learn to be okay and you will learn that you have to be nicer and kinder to others.

  • Emotional Wellbeing

The body is an emotional thing and when you are going through your awakening, you will feel deeper. You will have emotional flows and instead of being possessed by things, you will be more human.

You will resist less and learn to understand your emotions of fear and guilt.

  • Reflect

You will learn to reflect and look at yourself. You will challenge yourself and learn to be more productive. You will stop being lazy and be the best you can be.

A spiritual awakening means you need to slow down and reflect on your life. You need to understand your behavior and learn to stop repressing memories. Learn to reflect on yourself and not to judge yourself for your past behaviors.

  • Changing Priorities

When you find out that you are changing your values and you are looking for better rules and systems, chances are that you are going through your awakening. This is a time where you can learn to reach your higher self.

Increasing your spiritual values is when you will change your behavior and you will try to be perfect, but you will seek truth in the world.

  • Change of the Inner World

Normal people are always focused on the work they do on the outside of their bodies. They want to have more money, more relationships, better goals and have a good social life.

In your spiritual awakening, you will change from seeing the outer world as important and you will begin to work on your inner being. You will work on your thoughts and feelings and you will change your imaginations. You will see that things in your waking state are real.

  • Opposites

People are often known to see things in black and white. There are things that are polar opposites such as daylight and dark and male and female.

To avoid this kind of thinking, you stop considering opposites and you learn to love people without there being hate involved.

You stop looking at opposites and instead you learn to seek the truth and to become whole.

  • Inner Freedom

Your ego will send you into a world where you have fears and worry. The ego is in control of you when you are not awakened, and it is there no matter what is going on in your life.

In the spirit world, you learn to have freedom and you learn to seek after things that will help you to be liberated in yourself.

  • Honesty and Responsibilities

When you become stronger in your spirit man, you become more honest with things in your life. You stop tolerating things that are deceiving and you begin to grow and be accountable for your actions. You will learn to take action for your emotions, and you will grow.

When you do not understand your behavior, there is not room to be accountable. You will feel guilt, but guilt has nothing to do with a spiritual awakening. You have to learn to correct your life and change your way of being.

  • Choices

Another sign of a spiritual awakening is that you begin to change your lifestyle choices. You see things that you used to do as unacceptable.

You begin to connect with the world and care about things such as the environment and nature. You see that there are bigger forces behind what is going on.

  • Oneness

The ego will try to make you feel that you need to be alone and will leave you fearing things such as death and being alone.

When you are awakening, you learn to stop seeing the ego through fear and you learn to identify things as simple and as important.

  • Awakening the Mind

There are many ways that you can awaken your mind and you can do this by looking online and finding different sights and exploring new ideas on these kinds of patterns. Learn to mediate deeply and to have a unified state of mind.

  • Spiritual Awakening

There are many people that have looked for their spiritual awakening such as Carl Jun, Ken Wilber and more. You will begin to realize there is a difference between your spiritual being and your earthly being. You will have different ideas and you will begin to develop your mind.

You will see that you can keep low mental development and change the way that you are developing in your spirit being.

  • Inflation and Deflation

Spiritual and mental growth are similar. There are ways that you can change but you cannot take your mind from your spirit.

You need to block your ego and not allow it to let you fall in a trap. Having qualities that you are better than others means your ego is inflated and this can cause you to miss what you are really meant to do.

When your ego is small, it makes you feel inferior and can cause you to be depressed or to have hate for others.

The ego is active and passive, but the spirit is centered and helps you to reach your higher self.

  • Eating Meat

When you go through your spiritual awakening you might feel that you no longer want to eat animal products or meat. This can cause people to not understand but this does not mean that you become a vegetarian, it just means that you realize the importance of animals and you care more about them than eating them.

  • Sensitivity

If you have a sensitivity to eating animals all of a sudden, this can mean that you are connecting more with your spiritual body and you are becoming more aware.

Even if you have eaten meat for all of your life, your conscious mind is increasing, and these feelings can change and put you at a different level.

If you feel aggressive or fear before an animal is killed, there is a chance you will stop eating meat. You might feel that this change is part of your internal experience and part of the growth of your body and mind.

  • Acid

People stopped eating meat in the 60’s and they decided to use drugs instead to expand their mind. Individuals became vegetarians and they would plant medicine so that they could use substances instead of eating meat.

Some practices only eat meat when they are ill, and they eat vegetables and fruit all of the other times.

Does This Mean You Have to Stop Eating Meat to Be Spiritual?

You do not have to stop eating meat to be spiritual. Just because you don’t eat meat doesn’t make you spiritual and just because you do eat meat does not mean you are not spiritual. This is just what you are feeling and what to do with those feelings.

  • Testing This

If you feel different when you eat meat, stop eating it for about three months. Then you will see what kind of discomforts you have and what you want to do next.

  • Plants

Plants are alive but you can become stronger when you eat plants. The difference between plants and animals is that plants do not have blood, organs, brains, or a heart.

When you go through your awakening, you might feel that eating meat is like being a cannibal and you might choose to stop just because of this.

  • Protein

Protein is an important part of your body and if you stop eating meat, chances are that you will not get sick as much. You can still find proteins in plants and other foods.

Approaching the Spiritual Awakening

Some people will see the spiritual awakening as a physical and emotional thing.

If you are meditating and practicing mindfulness, chances are that you will develop your spirit and your mind. You will learn to let go of your ego.

Mediation is important and it will help you to stay calm and collected. You can be quiet during this time and reflect on your awakening.

Learn to see things from a different perspective and learn that there are barriers such as fear and guilt that will thwart your awakening, but you need to handle these things along your path.

A spiritual awakening happens when you become aware of what is going on in your mind, body and soul and you choose to change.

You will change who you are, and you will no longer let your ego control you. You will learn to support yourself and to allow natural development to come.

You will see that your spiritual journey will disconnect you from many things but connect you to new things along the way.


A false spiritual awakening will be that your ego gets bigger and you think that you are better than others.

There are some signs of your spiritual awakening that are positive and here they are:

  • You learn to have authority in your own being.
  • You have a sense of responsibility that you have never had before.
  • You become responsible for your own thoughts and emotions.
  • You change the way that you behave.
  • You see the value in the spiritual world.
  • You lose interest in the material world.
  • Things start to slow down.
  • You learn to accept and move forward from your past.
  • You are calmer and you are deeply connected with your inner being.
  • You focus more on your inner being than the environment around you.
  • You learn to be free.
  • You become light and happy.

The key to reaching your spiritual awakening is to keep moving forward until you get where you want to be. Learn to allow your mind to be free and accept what is going on in your life. Love yourself and love others and the universe will reward you for what you have done and what you are doing.

What is Karma?


People use the word karma all the time, and they think that it means that life will come after someone who does something wrong to them.

The real truth behind karma is that it is a reaction to everything you do and everything you put into the universe.

The interesting thing about karma is that there are so many different interpretations, and karma laws will help you be more positive and do better things in your life.


The meaning of the word karma is focused on destiny. Karma is not about being a victim; depending on what religion you follow; the definition of what karma means to you will change. This can be what you put into the universe and what you get back from it.

In some religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, karma means something different.

Karma and Hinduism

Karma in Hinduism is a principle that there is an action for each and every action that you put into the universe. This means that you will get goodness back if you are good to someone. This also works the other way around, such as if you are bad to someone, negativity will come back to you.

This is not an immediate reaction to what you do, and sometimes people will experience painful events because of karma that came from the past or even a past life.

How you live your life now can help you when you are rebirthed, so you need to make sure that you live a moral life.

Karma in Buddhism

Karma in Buddhism means that you will have both positive and negative things happen to you, depending on your intentions.

Some believe that karmic energy comes from how willful you are to do what you have to do in life. On the other hand, Buddhists believe karma will effect your life based on your actions, which can also come from a previous life and into the next life.

Buddhists will try to get good karma and will want to avoid bad karma, but the point of  Buddhism is so that you can reach your best life, called the Samsara.

12 Laws of Karma

No matter what religion you are, there are 12 laws of karma that are always happening around you, no matter what you are doing in your life.

When you choose to follow these laws, good things can happen to you. Here are some of the laws so that you can better understand them.

These laws can help you to realize that you can reach your goals and dreams and that karma can help you with this concept.

  • Law of Cause and Effect

The first law of karma is the law of Cause and Effect. This is the law that what you put into the universe, you will get back.

These can be positive or negative things, and the universe will duplicate them for you and send them back to you. So if you want peace and love, you will need to act loving and kind.

  • Law of Creation

The Law of Creation says that you have to do what you can in your life to reach your dreams. If you do nothing, then you will never get where you want to go, but if you try hard, you will be rewarded.

Ask the universe if you are unsure what your purpose is in life. You will get the answers that you need and know what you need to do to be happy.

  • Law of Humility

The Law of Humility is a law that means you have to understand something and learn to change it if you want it to be a reality.

Look at yourself and see what is going on in your life and what you really need to change. Look at the bad traits that you have and the negativity that you release. This can help you to be more about self-love and help you realize what you need to change to be better in your life.

  • Law of Growth

The Law of Growth means you have to change yourself instead of expecting those around you to change.

You cannot control what other people do but the more you change yourself, the better, and the more others around you will see they need to change.

  • Law of Responsibility

The Law of Responsibility says that you cannot blame others for what is happening in your life. You have to understand this law in order to be able to understand what karma is.

We mirror what is happening around us, and if we learn to be responsible in our own life, we will stop making excuses and then learn to make changes necessary to be better.

  • Law of Connection

The Law of Connection says that everything in the universe is energy-connected. This means you are connected with nature, your past, your present, and your future, and you can get rid of bad karma by changing what you have done wrong.

Each step you go through in life will make you a better person.

  • Law of Focus

The Law of Focus shows you that if you want to reach something in life, then you need to strive for it and believe in it.

Focusing on what you want in life will help you to be successful. However, if your goals are not good for you, then you need to fix what needs to be fixed before you set a new goal.

You have to focus on your emotions and your values and get rid of negative things such as anger, jealousy, or greed and have better values.

  • Law of Giving and Hospitality

The Law of Giving and Hospitality are ones that show you that you have to put action into your kindness to receive good things back.

You need to be truthful, and you need to do things to help others. This will demonstrate that you know this law.

  • Law of Here and Now

The Law of Here and Now says that you need to reflect on what has happened in your past but focus more on what is going on now. You will always be part of your past and future, but your present is where you need to change and do good things.

This will help you to enjoy life now and help you to have opportunities that can help you move forward.

  • Law of Change

The Law of Change will help you have a better and different future. You have to learn from things you have done wrong in your past, or you will keep repeating them over and over again.

If you are stuck in something negative, then change it and break the cycle.

  • Law of Patience and Reward

The Law of Patience and Reward says that you can be rewarded if you are patient and dedicate yourself.

Nothing comes instantly, and so if you want to achieve something good, you need to work hard towards it and find purpose in your life.

All goals have hard times, and nothing is easy, but if you keep pushing, you will be rewarded.

  • Law of Significance and Inspiration

The Law of Significance and Inspiration shows you that all your actions and thoughts will contribute to your karma.

No matter what kind of effort you put into things, you will inspire others, or you will cause a negative reaction from others.

Good and Bad Karma

There are ways that you can know the difference between good and bad karma, but that all comes from the Law of Cause and Effect.

Good Karma

If you do good and your actions and intentions are pure, you will have this reflected back to you.

When you put out positive energy around you, you will create a place that brings you good karma and positive thoughts.

Good karma will help you and help others, and if you set goals in life that are good and help others, you will put this positive energy into the earth by your actions and get rid of negative ties.

Bad Karma

Bad karma is, of course, the opposite of good karma. This is because all the negative thoughts and actions you put into the universe will return to you.

This karma is based on each person, and bad karma can come when you are jealous, angry, or full of greed.

What Karma Exists for You?

Look at your life and your actions and see what kind of person you want to be. Strive to be this person. Remember that only you can control your life, and so whatever path you take is up to you.

You will get this in return by being kind and loving towards others. Work hard for what you want so that you can reach your goals and have a good future.

For many people, karma is a way of life and part of a strong belief system, but for others it is just a simple term that is meaninglessly tossed around. Karma is real, but how you treat the concept is up to you.

Clear Your Karma Using Meditation

Clear Your Karma Using Meditation

There are different kinds of yoga that you can do and learn that can help you in your mind, body, and spirit. Kundalini Yoga, for example, can help to move your energy and help you to be the best you can be. This can help you to have a positive mind and to heal your aura.

Each of the 10 bodies in yoga has a specific role that they play to help you align your body and reach your higher self.

Meditation such as this will help to engage the energy in the body, such as the Arc Line.

Arc Line

The Arc Line is the area that surrounds you, such as a halo over your head. You can see this line in paintings where they have someone that has a halo over their head.

A woman has two Arc Lines; the first is over her head, and the second is at the chest area from nipple to nipple. This is where past karma is stored.

When you have a strong Arc Line, it means that you have energy that is there to protect you from negative feelings such as depression and anxiety. The Arc Line shows you what reality is, and you cannot reach the spirit world when you do not have a strong Arc Line.

The Arc Line is where you can connect with your positive feelings of happiness and joy. This is the place where you can fight off negative feelings and energy from inside or in your external environment.

This kind of meditation can help clear the negative energy with the Arc Line and eliminate the energy stored in your mind and body.

Meditate so that you can heal your body and soul and get rid of depression and anxiety. You will see what joy is when you do this, and you will get out of your darkness.


Kundalini meditation is something you can do at home. Practice and try your best, and you will see your internal reward.


Start by sitting in a chair up straight and aligning your spine and your neck.


Chant this, “Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru Jio.”


Relax your elbows down at your side and put your palms flat and facing up with your forearms out straight.

Cup your hands, put them a few inches above your knees, put your arms up behind your head, and stretch as far back as you can.

When you do this, imagine that you are scooping something and throwing it over your Arc Line. Water is a cleanser, and you can imagine that you are throwing water for extra healing.

Flick your wrists with this movement, and be smooth as you do this. When you are doing it, chant your mantra and do it to the rhythm of the music.

Each time you do it, scoop water up and throw it over your shoulder.


Your eyes should be closed.


You should do this for at least half an hour.


When you are ready to finish, take time to stretch your hands up and as back as far as you can. Then, put them behind your head and hold this pose for about 15 seconds. Do this three more times.

Take time to relax now and feel the power inside of you. Clearing your karma is important, so use this technique as often as you feel the need.

Learn to Do Palm Readings

Learn to Do Palm Readings

Palm reading, palmistry or chiromancy is a practice that has been around for many, many years. This is something that was a tradition from the Indian times and was common in areas such as China, Babylon, Sumerian and more. These were ways that people could find out things such as their love life, personality, and their future.

The readers were able to tell things about people based on the size of their palms, the dips, and folds of their palm and more.

People would do palm reading because they would want to be able to help people through things in their life. This is something that is a skill that some psychics have, and it is easy to have but hard to develop. A palm reader has strong intuition and the practice can be improved as long as the practice.

Hand Shape

People often assume that palm reading is only lines on the hand but the truth is that there are details that are part of your hand, palms and fingers and that they indicated things such as what element you have rather it is air, fire, water or earth.

The element and shape of your hand doesn’t have to do with astrology, but it has to do with the characteristics that define and represent who you are.

Earth Hands

If you have an earth hand it means that your fingers will be short, and your hands are square. This person will be logical and reliable, but they will take the details of their life and will obsess over them. This kind of situation in their life can cause them to not be able to move forward.

Fire Hands

Fire hands re people that have long palms and their fingers are short. These people are fiery and passionate, and they work hard. Most of these people attract others because they are very confident, and they communicate well.

People with fire hands allow their emotions to rule them and they have a hard time forgiving.

Air Hands

Air hands are people with tiny, bony fingers and knuckles and their palms are a square shape. These people are smart and like to be healthy. They are curious and communicate well.

These people make good friends and they often get bored if they do not stay busy in life.

Water Hands

Those that have long fingers and palms are water hands. These are people that are creative but sensitive in life. They are aware of their emotions and they have strong intuition. These people are psychic and are able to handle their stress because of their abilities.

Left or Right Hand

When you get a palm reading you need to give your dominate hand for them to read. Most people are right handed but the dominate hand should be used for reading even if you are left-handed. This can help to show your personality and your characteristics.

Using your dominate hands will help the reader to understand your life.

Mounts and Plains

The way that your hand is shaped with dips and mounts can help the reader to know more about you. There are different planets in this including Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the Moon and Sun and when the mounds have a lot of flesh, this can mean positivity and when it is sunken, you need to improve your life.

Mount of Jupiter

This is the mount that is at the top of your index finger. This shows if you are a leader or not.

Mount of Saturn

This is at the base of the middle finger and symbolizes wisdom and integrity.

Mount of Apollo

This area represents the sun and is found below the ring finger. This is where your joy and energy are found.

Mount of Mercury

This is found at the end of the pinky finger. This can show how smart you are and how well you can talk to others.

Mount of Venus

This area is responsible for your sexuality and it controls your emotions. This is found below the thumb.

Palm Lines

The lines on your hand can tell about your future. The mounds tell about your personality and your lines tell what is going to happen in your life.

When the lines run parallel or intersect it will mean different things. The palm reader will remember the names of the lines so that they know what they are talking about.

Head Line

This is where your intelligence lies. This is in the center of the palm and shows your mental ideas. If the line is wavy it means that you are doing things that are against what is normal. A break in the line can mean you have problems in your life:

  • If there is no head line, this means you are sluggish and lazy.
  • A small line can mean you have problems remembering things.
  • A deep line means good memory.
  • A short line means you are practical.
  • A long line means you are successful in life or selfish.
  • A straight line can mean you are organized.
  • A wavy line means short attentions pan.
  • A curved line means you are creative.
  • A head line that starts at the life line means you are strong willed.
  • A head line that is separate from the life line means you are adventurous.
  • A broken line means you do not have straight thoughts.
  • Crosses can mean you have important decisions to make.
  • Chain lines mean you have conflict.

Heart Line

The heart line is the first horizontal line on your palm. This is above the headline and tells about your love life. The heart line has to do with all things of love.

If the heart line starts at the index finger and has few breaks it means you have a good love life. If it starts at the middle finger and bends it means you have rocky partnerships. Fractures do not mean that you will cheat on your partner.

Here are some things the heart line can mean:

  • If it starts below the index finger it means you are picky about love.
  • If it begins below the middle finger it means you fall in love fast.
  • If there is no heart line it means you use logic and not emotions.
  • If it is at the fate line it means you find little to do with emotions.
  • A short and straight line means you worry about romance.
  • A long and curvy line means you are expressive about your emotions.
  • A wavy line means you are serious with your relationships.
  • A heart line and head line that are parallel means you handle your emotions good.
  • A heart and life line that touch means you get heartbroken easily.
  • A broken heart line means you have emotional trauma.
  • Chained lines mean you are depressed.

Life Line

The life line is found under the head line. This won’t tell how long you will live, and you should never ask that if you get a reading. People that do not really know how to do palm reading will use this line to tell that and it can cause the person getting the reading to be stressed.

If the line is deep it will mean people will have rewarding things happen to them. If it is short it doesn’t mean anything bad or disastrous it just means that nothing notable will happen.

Here are some other things the life line will mean:

  • If there is no line this means the person is stressed.
  • A faint line means a lack of energy.
  • Long deep lines mean the person will be healthy.
  • Curvy lines mean a lot of energy.
  • A line going to the thumb means the person gets tired easily.
  • A break can mean a change in life.
  • Broken lines mean a serious injury is coming.
  • Chained lines mean the person might have health problems.

Fate Line

The fate line tells what kind of choices a person makes. This line can be found in the vertical crease and the center of the palm. This line changes most and it can be different when things happen in your life.

Here are some things about the fate line:

  • A deep line means that you want to be successful.
  • If it starts at the life line it means you know your purpose.
  • If there is a break in the line it means a clear path in the future.
  • If there are many breaks it can mean you will have different events in your career.
  • If there is no fate line it can mean that you will change your career and your interests over time.

Sun Line

The sun line is the vertical line under the ring finger.  This can show successes in your life and influence of others.

Here are some things about the sun line:

  • A deep line can mean that you will be successful.
  • A faint line means you are working on your skills.
  • A clear line means you love art and literature.
  • A break in the line can mean that you have overcome past things and become successful.
  • A parallel to the fate line can mean you have a good reputation.
  • If there is no sun line, then you need to learn to enjoy life more.

Is it Real?

People often wonder if palm reading is real and accurate. Many people think that this kind of reading helps to tell of their success. Psychics will use their intuition to perform an accurate reading.


No one can really tell the future, but the palm reader can give cues into your future because of your life path and your personality.

They use their skills and their intuition to give you information about your journey.

What are Palm Readers Called?

Palm readers are called many different things such as:

  • Palm readers.
  • Chirologists.
  • Hand readers.
  • Hand Analysists.
  • Palmists.
  • Psychics.
  • Clairvoyants.

It takes time to develop the gift of palm reading and it allows people to be open to their identity and the purpose in their lives.

How to Protect Yourself from Psychic Vampires

How to Protect Yourself from Psychic Vampires

Energy vampires are known in the psychic world as people who spread their negative energies to you and take away your positive energies. This has to do with people that are narcissists, manipulators, and those that are deceitful in your life.

Psychic Vampire

Psychic vampires are people that are a predator of someone else’s feelings and energy. They come into the physical world, and they will prey on you. You might not even realize that this kind of person is around you, and you may not even know there is a problem.

When you think about an energy vampire, you have to learn to understand them and then learn how to be protected.

Psychic vampires should not be felt bad for; they need compassion, but they also need to be kept at a distance to stop taking the energy from others. A regular child that grows into a psychic vampire is one that has had traumatic or negative experiences. This can be something that happened with their parents that caused them to have no self-esteem and caused them to grow up to feed on the feelings of others.

Psychic vampires are people that know what we need and can change our mood in a second. They always think they are the victim, and when they look at themselves, they think they are being mistreated when treating others badly. However, they know the right things to say at the right times, and good-hearted people will think that a psychic vampire is good and someone to care for.

The cause of psychic vampires is that they have a hard time knowing what they are feeling, and they do things that cause them to judge others and to seek the power of being lifted up by others.

People who are victims of a psychic vampire will have little energy, be tired all the time, and have a hard time being motivated. These people might also have a physical illness, depression, or diseases.

Things happen in their spirit, and the energy is so draining that the person suffers a great deal. If the vampire does not resist, they will keep taking other energies until someone stops them.

When we live our life, we have little energy because of the things we have to achieve in a day. This can cause us to be unprotected and tired in our body, mind, and spirit. When this happens, it can cause stress to set in and cause us not to be able to deal when things come up, such as an energy vampire.

When someone that is tired has to deal with an energy vampire, they are in danger of their lifeforce being taken over, and this can leave them feeling drained and angry. The energy vampire is a thief and can cause you pain.

Knowing an Energy Vampire

It can be hard to identify an energy vampire unless you know what to look for. Pay attention to people that you are around and see how they make you feel.

Look at people and see if they are acting as you act. For example, someone that is going to steal your energy will mirror your moves, and this is a technique so that you do not see what they are doing.

We do not usually see ourselves as victims, but when we are attacked, we don’t even know it until we are suffering. When an energy vampire knows how to take your energy, they will use it to better themselves no matter where that leaves you.

Personal Shopper

An energy vampire will look for the perfect person to shop from or steal their energy from. They will go out where they are so that they can find a victim to their emotions. If you befriend an energy vampire, they will bring you things such as televisions or clothing so that you can show them thankfulness.

When you take these gifts, you are allowing them to use them against you at another time. This is one tactic of an energy vampire.


An energy vampire will be your biggest critic. They will judge you and make you feel that no one can love or care about you. They will make you feel that you are disagreeable and crazy. They will gaslight you and make you feel there is no hope in your life.

When this happens, you have to take a stand. You cannot let an energy vampire steal your joy. Learn now so that you do not suffer later.

Psychic Vampire Test

One way you can tell if someone is a psychic vampire is when they are in a group of people. See how they act and see if they change depending on who they are talking to. An energy vampire will change and will take on the personality of others.

Another test you can do is to set boundaries. If an energy vampire is in your midst, they will have difficulty keeping the boundaries. So protect yourself and your space. Boundaries do not allow energy vampires to steal your joy, and they will keep you safe.

Boundaries are an energy vampire’s enemy because they want you to do what they want so that they can take advantage of you. Therefore, always reinforce your boundaries and do not let them push against them.

Recognizing an Attack

You will have symptoms after an attack, such as having no energy, being tired, not wanting to be around people, and feeling sick. When someone is talking to you, and you have these feelings, chances are they are an energy vampire.

Energy Vampire and Empaths

An empath and an energy vampire often go hand in hand because an energy vampire will prey on an empath. Since an empath is kind, giving, and a good listener, this is what an energy vampire is looking for.

An empath is like an emotional sponge, and an energy vampire loves to give its negative energy to others, making an empath a huge target. However, they will take their goodness and take advantage of it over and over again.

If you are tired or angry all the time, you could be dealing with an energy vampire. Do not let them ignore your boundaries, and do not let them close to you. Stay protected from these people and cut them completely out of your life if you must.


You have to protect yourself from an energy vampire, and you can only do this when you know what you are dealing with. You have to understand who they are and how to know when you meet one. Learn what you can do so you do not become a target.

Keep in mind that you have boundaries, and you need to maintain them.

Knowing You

You must know who you are and what you stand on to protect yourself. You do not always have to be the hero; even if you have a good heart, know that you must protect it. Do not let psychic vampires take advantage of you.

When you lower your boundaries, they will be there to attack, and you have to learn to be strong and stand up to them.


Energy vampires are in our world even today. They’re there to take your energy and to make it negative. They can take something good and turn it into something bad. You are the solution to this problem, and you have to protect yourself.

Make sure that you are able to recognize when an energy vampire comes to you. This can be detected by knowing who you are. If you are being gas lighted, accept it and move on. Do not play a game with them.

Do not allow them to take your light. Fight the shadows no matter how they come. When you have light and are kind and conscientious of what is happening, you have the power to stop it.

Have freedom by not allowing people to bring you down or to put their darkness on you. Let the world heal you and address the problems that you are having.

Create your own reality and ensure you know your purpose and how to achieve it. If you have trouble knowing what you are dealing with or what kind of interactions you are having with people, ask your spirit guides or your psychics to help you. This is something you can work through, and you can be strong if you pay attention to what is happening around you.

Meditating Two Minutes a Day

Meditating Two Minutes a Day

Meditating has many benefits, but some people feel that it is hard to sit quietly and clear your mind. If you find meditation is hard, do not give up on it; just sit for shorter sessions such as two-minute sessions instead of more.

Power of Meditation

You do not have to meditate for long periods of time to get powerful results. You can enjoy the benefits of practicing meditation by just doing it for a couple of minutes a day. Achieving two-minute meditations can be a practice that you can take part in, and it will help your skills to be stronger in the long run.

Shorter Meditations

You can do shorter meditations, which can help you focus and be grounded. Use short meditations when:

  • You have a lunch break.
  • You have a short break at work.
  • You want to calm your mind before bed.
  • You need to prepare for the next day.
  • You want to destress after a hard day.
  • You want to clear your mind so you can concentrate on other things.

Meditating for Two Minutes

Here are some ways you can meditate for a short time:

  • Sit in a comfortable position and figure out if you need to readjust how you are sitting.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Deep breathe.
  • Focus on your breathing.
  • Allow your mind to focus on your meditating and no other things.


You can use short meditation in different ways, such as focusing, clearing your mind, or allowing your day to be better. But, first, recognize what you need in your life and, once you can focus, think about what you need to pay attention to.

Here are some strategies to do:

  • Focus on your emotions and figure out why you are feeling angry, sad, upset, or overwhelmed. Think about your emotions for a couple of minutes, and then let the feelings go.
  • If you feel someone needs positive energy, focus on them, and then spend two minutes letting the universe take the positive energy to them.
  • Love yourself. If you have low self-esteem or you are upset with yourself, learn to appreciate yourself and forgive yourself.

Doing short meditation can help you if you are having difficulty concentrating on meditating for a long time. However, if you do not believe this, talk to a psychic about how short meditations can help you and help you to explore the issues in your life.

Developing ESP

Developing ESP

It takes time and patience to develop your ESP, but you can learn to practice and increase your giftings and abilities.

Developing Your ESP

ESP refers to being able to sense things about the world around you without relying on the five basic senses that you have. This is extra data that comes to you. This can include the clair giftings such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and more. There are many ways to practice increasing these skills.


Some people do not have ESP because they have not learned to accept their psychic gifts. Therefore, you must learn to recognize this insight when trying to connect with your ESP.

This information might flash through your mind, and it can also be different sensations such as visions, hearing things, smells, tastes, or just knowing things. This is not your imagination, even though having an open imagination can help.

You have to learn to pay attention to these flashes that you have, and they might come like this:

  • Images, words, phrases, sounds, or tastes.
  • Journaling these feelings is important.
  • Do not try to interpret these feelings; just write them down.

Focus with Meditation

When you notice that you have these flashes in your mind, learn to focus, and meditate. You can practice this for just a few minutes each day and learn to stay quiet and focused.

Start by finding a quiet place to sit where no one will bother you. Then, deep breathe in and out and pause through each breath.

Focus on your breathing and let your mind focus on what is going on in your mind. Then, when your mind is distracted, return your focus back to breathing.

Tuning In

After you meditate, take time to relax and focus on what you are receiving from the spirit world. Do this with a deck of playing cards.

Shuffle the deck and put it face down in a pile. Turn the top card over, keep your eyes closed, and see if you get information from the card. Do not second guess yourself, and learn to trust what you feel.

When you turn the card over and are right, put it in one pile; if you are wrong, it is in another pile. Learn to count your piles and see what percentage you were right. As you practice, you will notice that you are getting better.

Do this every day and once you are doing better, keep practicing.


Ask your friends to hold an object in front of you but do not give you any information on it. Instead, see what your spirit tells you about the item. Then, tell them and see if you were right.

Do the same thing with pictures. Give your impression and let them tell you if you are right or wrong. Then, just like the cards, keep doing this and practice until you are able to see shapes, numbers, colors, objects, and more.


When you increase your abilities, follow these tips:

  • Be positive.
  • Do not try if you are having a bad day.
  • Use crystals such as amethyst.
  • Never force your mind and stay calm.
  • Work each day and practice.
  • Put your ego away.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Do not try to interpret things without talking to the spirit guide first.

Growing Your Abilities

Everyone has intuition and other psychic gifts, but some hide these feelings because of the things they believe. Learn to grow and trust your abilities and work on the talents of your gifts.

Learn to receive information and to be confident in what your spiritual being is telling you.

Balancing Your Heart Chakra

Balancing Your Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is where you have love and kindness. The heart chakra allows you to be connected so you can reach your higher purpose in life and find happiness and love. When you are open to love and focused on what you love, it is important that you understand that your heart chakra needs to be balanced and strong.

The heart chakra is based on the color green, and when something is not feeling right or if you feel that you are lacking in love, you have to get back to nature and figure out what you are missing. This chakra is located in the middle of your chest, and so it helps to get the other chakras into order when it is strong.

The heart chakra helps with your lungs, heart, and your emotions. Your feelings are formed from this chakra, and when your emotions are blocked, or you are feeling stress, fear, and doubt, and you are unable to love, chances are your heart chakra is blocked.

People have many different emotions and have to look deeply at their heart chakra and see if it is working well or needs healing. Some emotions are hard to deal with, and when there is any blockage, this makes it even harder. For example, if you are having a hard time opening up your heart and having love, chances are you are not balanced, and it will make it hard for yourself. Likewise, if you do not have patience with yourself, you will not be able to love unconditionally.

When you want to connect with the universe and have love, you are not judging others, and it means that no matter what happens, you can inspect your feelings and know what you are feeling and where your love is. If you feel that you are struggling, here are some things that you can do to balance your heart chakra:


One of the biggest things about the heart chakra is thankfulness. This is something you can do so that you can be healthy and aligned with your heart, mind, body, and soul. These feelings and emotions can be blocked and when this happens, show your thankfulness for what you have, the people in your life, and the universe.

Practice writing lists of things that you are thankful for and keep a thankfulness journal. Showing thankfulness does not only help to balance your heart chakra, but it also can decrease stress, aggravation, depression, and hurt.


Once you are thankful and know what you have in your life, you can begin to accept that things are sometimes hard, and we have to forgive. When we forgive ourselves, we can understand and embrace that things happen and things go wrong. Maybe you have felt a lot of hurt for what you have held on to in your life.

Opening your heart up to love and thankfulness is one way for you to learn to forgive yourself and those in your life. When you need to balance your heart chakra, learn to forgive, and let go of pain, anger, fear, disappointment, and other negative feelings. Doing this can increase your vibrational frequencies.

Unconditional Love

Emotions can be hard, and sometimes they are not easy to understand. When you are depressed or lacking love, you can meditate to work on your feelings. Meditation lets you eliminate unwanted emotions and focus on good things. When you meditate for your heart, you will see that you have flaws but that you can love yourself unconditionally anyway. Learn about who you are and learn to love yourself and others.


When you put other people above yourself, this is empathy. This can help you love others and be open to what your heart is showing you. Empathy is about connecting with others and accepting them for their differences. When you look at your heart chakra, you will find that you are sometimes sensitive to other people and how they are feeling. Getting rid of the blockages in your heart chakra can help you connect easily with others and love them.


Being compassionate is a special thing. This means that you love and care for others and you are kind to them. Maybe you are giving, and maybe you have energies of love and want to be good to people. When you are compassionate to others, this means you are being kind without wanting anything in return.


Patience is hard for everyone, but it is something that you can practice. Learn to practice being patient with yourself in your goals and in your life.

When you have no patience, it can bring about fear and regret and cause you to be unable to handle your emotions. Patience is a way that you can heal and not be pressured in life. When you can feel good about yourself, you can be stress-free and happy.


Getting rid of blockages in your heart chakra can help you to have freedom. This can help you to open up your heart and to love others. It can help you to get rid of guilt and anger and to have love and compassion.

Getting rid of these hard feelings can cause you to be able to change your patterns and feel honest with yourself and others. These can be hard feelings to get rid of, but you can do it.


Be smart and embrace your life. Learn to be happy with what you have and to know that everything is not always perfect in your life. Let your heart be open and develop your emotions to have peace in your body and mind.


Some people are not strong, and so they have a hard time having unconditional love. However, there is grace in strength, and when your heart chakra is not blocked, you can overcome the pain and the other unhealthy emotions that you have.

Learn to recognize different patterns and what causes you to have certain emotions. Learn to take care of any blockages you have and increase the vibrations of your emotions. Let your heart grow and be stronger.


Happiness is the best and highest vibrational frequencies that you can have. This is a pure emotion and can give you peace and love. It can bring you happiness when you can open up yourself to love who you are and to love others.

Having unhealthy emotions can cause you to look inside and improve your feelings and mindset. Learn to connect with the universe and keep your heart open so you can have more happiness in all you do.