Chakra Test

Chakra Test

People often do not know if they have a chakra imbalance. When there are seven different chakras, it shows us that our life can be different from one place to the other depending on how balanced our chakras are and which have been affected.

The chakras can become blocked and cause the energy flow to be clogged, which can cause mental and physical sicknesses, so it is very important that you let the flow of energy work to its peak.

There are simple ways to keep your chakras balanced, even in the comfort of your home.


A chakra is an energy source that is in each part of your body. There are seven different chakras, and you need to understand and know where the chakras are located so that you can make sure that they are strong and balanced.

The top of your head has the crown chakra, and then the third eye chakra is located on the forehead. The throat chakra is located in the throat, and the heart chakra is located in the chest. Then there are the lower chakras, the solar plexus, located by the navel, the sacral chakra in the stomach, and the root chakra, which goes from the spine to the feet.


It is important to know about your chakras so that you can know if they are unblocked and strong. When the chakra is blocked, it can cause you to have mental, physical, and spiritual problems. When this happens, it is important to cleanse the chakras.

The energy of your whole body flows through the chakras. When the energy is not flowing to a certain part of your body, it can cause the body to be dried out, leaving you lacking energy and being overly tired, upset, depressed, angry, or a range of other negative emotions.

Doing a Chakra Test

There are different ways that you can determine if your chakras are in or out of balance, and the first one is kind of complicated, but it works.


Meditating is one thing that can help to balance your chakra. When you want to know if your chakras are unbalanced, you need to meditate and learn to know if you are blocked or unblocked. Sit in a quiet place and take deep cleansing breaths.

Meditating will help you know what you are feeling in your mind and body and will help you deal with imbalances or blockages. When you are meditating, pay attention to the energy of your chakras and see how it makes you feel and what kind of energy flow you feel in your body.

Focus on anything that is negative and try to get rid of the negative energies so that you can remove the blockages.

Crystal scanning

The next type of chakra test is used with crystals. You can use the same kind of meditation state, and you can put your hand over your root chakra with the crystal in it. If you need someone to help you, call on your angel guides, and they can direct you on what to do. Do this with the crystals for a couple of minutes and see if it makes your body change in any way, such as temperature, sensations, heart rate, or more. If this happens, it can help you know where the blockages are located.

When there is a blockage, focus on getting rid of it and remove the blockage and let your energy flow like it should flow through your body.

Enjoying Nature

Another option for clearing all the chakras is to spend time in nature simply enjoying. If possible, go barefoot in the grass and dirt, feeling the earth remove impurities from your being. Close your eyes and meditate outdoors as you sit on the ground feeling the earth against your skin. Even activities like outdoor yoga or a leisurely hike can help clear the chakras and relax the body.

Overall Health

Finally, make sure your chakras are clear and stay clear through the use of common sense nutrition, healthy eating, getting exercise, and practicing self-care through the use of mantras and staying as relaxed as possible. Some people also use essential oils to keep chakras aligned and free-flowing.

No matter what form of cleansing you choose, try to keep your chakras aligned to maintain your spiritual, mental, and physical health. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you.