How to Find a Reputable Psychic

Find a Reputable Psychic

Finding high-quality psychics and mediums for private consultations and local psychic readings is not an easy mission. It’s highly recommended to ask your friends for their personal recommendations. A reputable and skilled psychic impresses you with his readings, not only a reading which can easily be forgotten. Whether you’re looking for a medium, a Tarot card reader, or you’re looking for someone to give you a piece of basic advice, or just for entertainment, it’s hard to know who’s clever and who’s just after you for your money. Being a psychic or a card reader doesn’t require specific criteria, so it’s important to do your homework when you’re looking for a psychic to avoid getting stuck with a bad one. There is a list of things to consider before you start spending your money. Decide what your priorities are and what you are looking for in a psychic, and make a list of things you don’t want to see in a psychic. You can be picky as long as you are the client.

Once you’ve decided your priorities, you can start asking people in your community for their recommendations. The Pagans are probably the best place to start, but if you don’t have any Pagan friends, don’t worry. Many non-Pagans consult Tarot readers and mediums and are usually pleased to share their experiences. You can also meet psychics at a local metaphysical fair; this is also a good place to meet — and many of them will have competitive offers during a fair, so you can find different people and choose.

Local watchdog groups and the Better Business Bureau are the best places to see if any of the people on your list have been the subject of a complaint for fraud. Bear in mind that the BBB only keeps this information on file for people who are incorporated as a business — many psychics work from their homes based on referrals. Also, remember that just because there are no complaints against someone doesn’t mean that they’re not fraudsters – it just means no one has complained.

You have shortlisted candidates, and it’s time to start making phone calls. A brief phone interview should be sufficient – remember, psychics get paid for their time, so you shouldn’t spend an hour asking them questions. Ask about their background and if they’ve had any specialized training. Ask them what methods they use for their psychic readings — do they use intuition, Tarot cards, palmistry, or some other methods?

Find out if they have any clients who are to be a reference. Although many clients prefer to stay anonymous, there are always plenty who are pleased to share their experiences. If the person refuses to answer any of these questions, you should politely thank them and hang up the phone.

It’s also important to ask about their rates — most psychics charge per hour, which varies from region to region. While it may be very reasonable to charge $400 for an hour of reading in San Francisco or New York City, it can be far cheaper in the Midwest and southern US areas. By asking every psychic about pricing, you eventually get a good idea about what pricing is in your area. For example, if six psychics are charging $100 per hour, and the seventh one charges $250 for the same service, you should ask what the difference is in their service.

After you’ve narrowed your search even further, you should be able to make a decision. One of the advantages of speaking with potential psychics over the phone rather than communicating via email is that by speaking to them, you can decide who makes you the most comfortable.

Eventually, be courteous & polite – when you schedule your appointment, remember that you should always call to apologize if you can’t make it, so your psychic can book someone else in your time. Gaining a “no-show” reputation as a client could make it impossible for you to get an appointment with any other psychic in your community.