When comparing the Western and Vedic astrology charts, you will first notice how different things look. The Western chart is often the most familiar and has a round shape, but the Vedic chart is square. Those familiar with Western astrology who look at the Vedic chart will think the planets are misaligned as far as the constellations or signs. However, a natal chart reading will reveal that the differing sign and house changes are considered on the Vedic chart. For example, in Western astrology, you may be a sun sign as a Capricorn, but in the Vedic system, you could be in the house of Sagittarius. This can also change your rising signs, and the other planets may be in differing signs. This does not mean the Vedic version is less accurate, but it does calculate things differently. Therefore, the interpretations are actually more precise than those of Western astrology.
Vedic astrology often gives a much better and more accurate view of a person’s karmic tendencies and when these tendencies are most likely to manifest for that person. Using the Vedic system, the timing of life events is shown through a highly complex system of planetary time cycles known as dashas. Western astrology does not have a method that corresponds to this. Western astrologers who make a study of astrology often end up converting to Vedic astrology due to the scope and accuracy.
Astronomical Differences
The most basic difference between these systems is that the Vedic zodiac is Sidereal while the Western is Tropical. In Sidereal astrology, the zodiac aligns with 27 constellations. Aries aligns with the constellation Aswini. In the tropical zodiac, the point in space when the sun crosses the equator is the starting point of the zodiac, also Aries. Since the earth’s equator shifts backward through the zodiac signs to a certain degree each year, the theoretical Aries drifts further from the Aries used by Vedic astrologers. In the Western and Vedic Aries, the zodiac plane was once the same, but due to the equinoxes, there is now a degree of difference. Making the charts quite different.
If interested in astrology, it is best to read and study both forms to decide which you feel is more accurate and functional in your own life and practice. As mentioned, those who practice astrology often end up preferring the Vedic option, but Western is more familiar to people who may want a reading or chart created. It is a personal decision that each person must make for themselves. So, be open to exploring both options and learn from both practices to make sure you are learning as much as possible.