Meditating Two Minutes a Day

Meditating Two Minutes a Day

Meditating has many benefits, but some people feel that it is hard to sit quietly and clear your mind. If you find meditation is hard, do not give up on it; just sit for shorter sessions such as two-minute sessions instead of more.

Power of Meditation

You do not have to meditate for long periods of time to get powerful results. You can enjoy the benefits of practicing meditation by just doing it for a couple of minutes a day. Achieving two-minute meditations can be a practice that you can take part in, and it will help your skills to be stronger in the long run.

Shorter Meditations

You can do shorter meditations, which can help you focus and be grounded. Use short meditations when:

  • You have a lunch break.
  • You have a short break at work.
  • You want to calm your mind before bed.
  • You need to prepare for the next day.
  • You want to destress after a hard day.
  • You want to clear your mind so you can concentrate on other things.

Meditating for Two Minutes

Here are some ways you can meditate for a short time:

  • Sit in a comfortable position and figure out if you need to readjust how you are sitting.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Deep breathe.
  • Focus on your breathing.
  • Allow your mind to focus on your meditating and no other things.


You can use short meditation in different ways, such as focusing, clearing your mind, or allowing your day to be better. But, first, recognize what you need in your life and, once you can focus, think about what you need to pay attention to.

Here are some strategies to do:

  • Focus on your emotions and figure out why you are feeling angry, sad, upset, or overwhelmed. Think about your emotions for a couple of minutes, and then let the feelings go.
  • If you feel someone needs positive energy, focus on them, and then spend two minutes letting the universe take the positive energy to them.
  • Love yourself. If you have low self-esteem or you are upset with yourself, learn to appreciate yourself and forgive yourself.

Doing short meditation can help you if you are having difficulty concentrating on meditating for a long time. However, if you do not believe this, talk to a psychic about how short meditations can help you and help you to explore the issues in your life.