Mantras to Activate the Chakra System

Mantras to Activate the Chakra System

Chakras are the energy wheels in your body, and there are seven found inside the body. Chakras were used as a form of energy in ancient India and are central to the practice of meditation and focus.
Each chakra can be energized by saying a mantra, and each mantra can be used to help open and balance the chakras in the body.

What are Chakras?

There are seven main chakras in the body that run from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. These are the seven main chakras:

Using Mantras to Open Up the Chakras

To open up your chakras and keep them strong, you can say mantras. Mantras are similar to chanting, but they should be done at a normal pitch. Here are the chakras and the mantras that work best for each one:

Root Chakra

Use the chant “Lam” to open up this chakra. It can enhance your sense of security and help you feel that you belong. Use this when your energy is low.

Sacral Chakra

The chant “Vam” is effective for the Sacral chakra. It can increase your sexual desires and enhance your ability to experience pleasure.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The mantra “Ram” can help open the Solar Plexus chakra, empowering you to feel confident and envision a bright future.

Heart Chakra

The mantra “Yam” is ideal for the heart chakra. This will open your heart to love and strengthen your relationships.

Throat Chakra

Use the mantra “Ham” to activate your physical and spiritual voice. This can help improve your communication skills and honesty.

Third Eye Chakra

This chakra responds to the mantras “Aum” or “Om.” These can open your third eye, enhancing spiritual guidance and intuition.

Crown Chakra

For the crown chakra, use the mantra “Om” or “Ah.” This will help you connect with your higher spiritual self, as this chakra is located at the top of your head.


  1. ‘Open your chakras with a mantra.’ Sure, next you’ll tell me that chanting ‘abracadabra’ will solve my life problems too! It’s amusing how people cling to these rituals while ignoring practical solutions. 😂

  2. Honestly, this whole chakra thing seems a bit out there. Energy wheels? Mantras? It sounds like pseudoscience to me. I mean, can we really trust concepts from ancient India in today’s world? 🤔

  3. This article on chakras is enlightening! I never realized how much our energy centers influence our well-being. The mantras seem simple yet powerful, and I can’t wait to incorporate them into my daily routine. 🌟

  4. ‘Chakras are energy wheels?’ Really? How do we know they exist at all? Just because something has been around for ages doesn’t make it valid or scientifically sound. Let’s stick to facts, people! 📉

  5. ‘Use the chant “Lam” for the root chakra.’ Sounds like something out of a yoga class gone wild! Maybe I should just chant ‘pizza’ instead to satisfy my cravings while working on my chakras! 🍕

  6. For those interested in self-improvement, understanding chakras is crucial. They represent more than just energy centers; they symbolize emotional and physical aspects of ourselves that need balance. This post provides a great overview for beginners!

  7. ‘Enhance your sexual desires with Vam’? Wow, if only life were that easy! Let’s just chant our way through every issue we encounter—what’s next, chanting away taxes? 😂

  8. ‘The third eye chakra responds to Aum or Om.’ This is fascinating as these sounds have deep cultural significance and can enhance mindfulness when practiced correctly. It’s worth exploring further for those interested in spirituality.


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