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Using Crystals for Decisions

Crystals for Decisions

Making decisions in life can be confusing and overwhelming at times, but with the help of crystals you can make decisions in the area of career, business, and relationships with the best crystals. We often reach a point in our lives when we are facing a crossroads and have many options, but are uncertain which choice to make. The confusion can leave us unable to decide but we must thoroughly consider each choice because the right one can make us, but the wrong one can cause damage to our well-being. The good news is crystals and gemstones can help us make the best decisions for our lives. Crystals and gemstones help by emptying our minds of anxiety, fear, and worry, allowing us to replace the negativity with stability and a tranquil feeling so we can make the best possible decisions. Read on to learn which crystals can help the most in different areas.

The Best Crystals for Decision Making

We get to where we are in life because we made specific decisions and they worked out in one way or another. Whether we are trying to find a new path, decide which person to spend our lives with, or choose a career, we need to make the best choice. We make these types of decisions every day, big and small. Check out each crystal below to understand the best way to gain help.

  • Azurite – Azurite is the stone of possibilities and is a beautiful gift of nature that comes in blue. This stone is most associated with the third eye chakra and helps to sharpen your focus while broadening your views to help you see thing smore clearly. Azurite can improve your inner dreams and visions to help you make the right decisions. Azurite will help you view potential opportunities from afar which makes it excellent for your profession, business, or career. Azurite can further enhance new learning concepts, maximizes connections and opportunities, and helps with developing innovative ideas.
  • Blue Topaz – Blue topaz is the gemstone of opportunity in a variety of blue shades. Blue topaz is most associated with communication, wisdom, and finding your way to opportunity and success. Blue topaz is used to alleviate fear and worry as it invites you to trust in your inner power and find your good fortune. Blue topaz is the rarest form of topaz and is mined in many deep corners of the earth. Blue topaz is known for its healing properties and can help you overcome fears, especially those associated with communication. When you need to make a decision and express yourself, this is the stone to choose.
  • Green Tourmaline – Green Tourmaline is perfect when you are easily distracted because it helps provide focus and tunnel vision that will help you move forward. Wearing or carrying green tourmaline helps you to be decisive and certain of the choices you make in each area of life. In addition, green tourmaline can provide a heightened sense of awareness that will help you grow into your highest sense of self as you follow your heart’s desire. To further expand your manifestation powers and drive, pair green tourmaline with pyrite.
  • Rutile Quartz – Rutilated quartz has long been considered worthless by miners because it was not pure, but the ethereal beauty of this form of quartz has been compared to shimmering angel’s hair. Rutilated quartz is made up of rutile and quartz and the combined energy means the healing properties and benefits of both are present. Rutile quarts is known to foster clarity of thought, guide decisive action, and promote greater insight with creativity. The crystal is believed to aid in manifesting the positive desires of the holder which means it is often used when someone is seeking financial prosperity.  The crystal can further ward off fear and anxiety.
  • Phantom Quartz – Phantom quartz has a cloudy appearance but an alluring vibration that can drawn you in with ease. Phantom quartz is best when you need deep emotional healing and the ability to trust your gut intuition. Phantom quartz helps us connect to the world and bond with living things. Most associated with the crown chakra the phantom quartz is an extremely spiritual stone that filters divine wisdom from the highest realms.
  • Chiastolite – Chiastolite is a stone with a medium to dark brown color with a black or green cross shape. Chiastolite is used to provide strength during hard times or when making difficult choices. Chiastolite is a protective stone that will protect you from negative energies to keep you safe and secure. This is the idea stone when you face a crossroads in life.

No matter which stone or crystal you choose, try wearing or meditating with the stone to focus your thoughts, clear your mind, and find the answers you desire.

How to Live with Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder which was once known as manic depression is a mental health condition. Someone with bipolar can experience extreme mood swings with highs and lows also called mania and depression. When in a manic stage the person may feel uncontrollable but also in a great mood. A person with bipolar in a manic stage may make rash decisions and take risks that would not normally be considered. The person may also be easily excited about everyday activities or trying new things. By contrast, when a bipolar person is in a depressive state they may feel hopeless, sad, and lose interest in most activities. In extreme cases this may extend to basic hygiene practices.

The problem for those with bipolar is that if left untreated, the swings from mania to depression can happen unexpectedly and be at extreme levels. Some people can cycle multiple times a day while others may only experience swings every few months or even years. Treatment with medication can help some, but swings are still possible. For those suffering with bipolar disorder, it can be tough to handle the extreme highs and lows when with friends or family members because their reaction does not match what the person with bipolar is feeling. This can lead to a reaction of irritability and anger.

If you have bipolar, it is important to remember a few things when hanging out with friends who do not have bipolar. The first is that a nauseating feeling may be overwhelming when someone does not react as strongly as expected. It is important that we understand that not everyone will feel things as strongly as we do with bipolar disorder. Others will not act or feel as we do, even though we may think they should. This lack of strong reaction does not mean they are uninterested or lying about their feelings, just that they do not process things as we do in life. There is no need to get angry with others, just understand that everyone is different.

Living with bipolar disorder can be tough and requires understanding of the self and of others. It takes time and effort to learn to accept that we see the world differently, but being different is what makes the world an interesting place to exist. Accept your emotional differences and embrace that difference, even if medication ends up being part of your life. Emotions are normal and within reasonable levels, healthy. When you do feel your emotions getting out of control, find a healthy outlet like painting, running, or singing. While this may not stop the mania, it can get out some of the energy. If you are in a depressive state, seek help and make sure to care for yourself in a healthy way. It is easy to get very depressed and stop caring for basic needs. Bipolar disorder is simply a condition, not something that will ruin your life if you do not let it. Never fear seeking help if needed, that is why help is available.

How to Find the Right Relationship

Find the Right Relationship

Relationships are a natural part of life and love, but finding the one that is perfect for you can seem overwhelming. It is always nice when a simple list exists to help us know where to at least get started. Below is a list to help you know how to find a relationship that will work in your life and hopefully lead to lasting love in the long-term.

  1. Know Yourself

It is impossible to find the right relationship if we do not know ourselves well. The right relationship always begins with self-work and getting to know yourself at the deepest levels. Getting to know ourselves is so important because if we do not know what we want, believe, or expect, we cannot find someone to offer that to us in a relationship. In addition, a relationship is not about completing us, but about helping us grow more secure in who we are in life. If we do not know who we are, no one can help us grow into something greater in the context of a relationship.

  1. Know Exactly Who You are Looking For

Almost as importantly as knowing yourself is knowing what you want in a relationship. While most people think of what they are looking for in terms of physical appearance, looks fade over time, so do not be so limiting. Spend time thinking about and possibly writing down what you want in a partner like kind, cares for animals, or similar interests and then be open to receiving that partner in whatever form that may take. As you think about the list, you are putting the intention out into the universe to allow it to return when the time is right.

  1. Put Yourself Out There

Finding a relationship requires getting out and meeting people. While internet dating is fun, if you are looking for something lasting then face to face is the way to go. No great relationship was formed vegging out on the couch alone as you binge watch television. Be willing to put yourself out into the world and be ready to meet your match around every corner. It may take a few days or a year, but be open to putting your best foot forward each and every day.

  1. Allow Them to Pursue You

While you may feel desperate for a relationship, never appear too desperate or willing for a potential partner. Men tend to like to do the chasing, but this is somewhat true for both genders. Make yourself known, but not too available by stopping by to say hello, mentioning you would like to hang out sometime, and then walking away to wait for an invitation. If you are too easy to access then all the mystery is removed and so is the fun in the chase. People should know you may be available, but you are far from available for just anyone. Think of it as if you are a child and want a toy that is just out of reach. It made that toy much more desirable and you worked harder to access it. If someone is not willing to put in effort to chase you for a little while, then they are not worth a relationship.

  1. Give People a Chance

Most people carry around a specific image of who they think would be the perfect partner, but it is important to let those who do not fit your ideal image have a chance. You may be surprised at who ends up being the one if you are open enough to give them the chance.

  1. Stop Wondering If You are Right for Them

If you are in a relationship or one is forming, just let things unfold naturally. There is no need to worry if you are right for the other person because you are already hitting it off. Each person must make their own decisions on if and when to make the relationship work.

Relationships are important to humans and finding the right one can be life altering. Take this list and start working on yourself and then go out into the world to find your match.

Don’t Ever Lose Hope

Don’t Ever Lose Hope

Life can be chaotic, frustrating, and crazy at times, but there is never a reason to lose hope. We always have the option of prayer to God. At times, it can get frustrating to pray and seem to not get any form of answer or get an answer that we do not like, but this does not mean we should give up on God or ourselves. Patience is never in vain; we must continue to trust in God’s timing because He knows our heart and our desires and will answer when the time is right.

Praying for Years

God’s time and provision continue to amaze people around the world. I once heard a story in church about a man who had been friends with another man for over 60 years. The two had served in the military together and soon lived in the same town, living their separate lives with wives, children, and eventually grandchildren. The two men were very close and visited one another often, their families growing up together. However, one man was very dedicated to God and the other could not believe in a God that allowed war. For 60 years the first man would demonstrate God’s love toward his friend and tell him about the love of God at every opportunity without being preachy. The first man lived a full life and died at the age of 88. As family and friends gathered to mourn his passing, an invitation to accept Christ was given. The friend had heard this hundreds of times before, but in that moment he knew what his friend had been saying and accepted Christ. The friend that died first had prayed for decades for his friend, but he never saw the fruits of those prayers. However, God’s timing was perfect and the other man did accept Christ before his life was over.

Not an Expected Answer

Just as God does not necessarily answer in our time, He may also not answer in the way we expect. At times, God may even say no because our prayer is not what is best for our life. He knows best. This is demonstrated in a story about a young woman who was looking for a job that was desperately needed. The girl heard about an amazing bookkeeping job that would pay well and provide any training necessary. The girl applied and the interview went well. She got the job, but before training even began she prayed to make sure it was right. Something felt off, but there was no sign that a problem existed. Circumstances allowed the training to be postponed for several months and another job opportunity arose that did not pay as well, but would start immediately. The girl took the job and loved her work as an instructor. Less than two weeks after beginning, the original company was shut down for illegal practices. If the girl had gone to training there, she may have ended up in jail, but God provided another opportunity.


Life is full of ups and down. God is still in control, even when we feel like He has given up. Stay strong and be patient, God will answer when the time is right and in the way that best serves our lives and His purpose. Never lose the faith because it will carry us through.

4 Elements and 4 Powers

four elements model

The four elements are related to the four powers and have historical ties. According to the classical model, every object and principle in creation is a compound of the four basal elements of fire, earth, water, and air. Keep in mind that these elements as we know them are a distorted correspondence of the actual four elements.

Each element has a proper quality and a mean quality. The qualities correspond easily with fire being hot, earth dry, water cold, and air moist. Using the principle of interconnection we come to the notion of mean qualities. Each element borrows the next element’s proper quality and highlights the interconnectedness. These are as follows, fire dry, earth cold, water moist, and air hot.

A Place in Astrology

The four elements model describes the archetypal state as an ideal which does not exist in pure form on the plane of Earth.  This is similar to quantum physics theory and deals with the instability and elusiveness of subatomic particles. The three orders describe how the elements combine and then transmute on the way to this earthly plane. This results in three orders. The first order is the four elements in their purest form and an unmixed state. The second order is when the four elements are compounded but can still be returned to the original state. Order three is created out of twice compounded elements with mixtures transformable into one another. The first two orders are too pure and hypothetical for us to understand, but the third is where astrology operates. This is still much more subtle than the physical realm we interact with, but also useful. The third order allows manifestation as far as astral magnetism, four, number and color, vibration and attraction, and the attributes of substance, space, and time. These are all part of the astrological discipline.

The Four Elements Prayer

The prayer to the gods and goddesses using the four elements has roots in the Celtic Christian faith, but has been adapted over the years and with passing time. Each element is associated with a power and combines with the serenity prayer to help us live our life. This begins with the power of water that is meant to help us accept with ease and grace what cannot be changed by us. Think of water as something that flows where it chooses. Over time, even a trickle of water can alter things, but as humans we do not have this same effect on most things. Next up is the power of fire which is for the energy of courage to change the things we can. Fire is hot and representative of burning brightly or passion. It requires passion to make real changes happen. Then we come to the power of air for the ability to know the difference. Air is required for life, but it can be both positive and negative. A gentle breeze makes a day pleasant, but a tornado causes great damage, we must learn to recognize the difference in life. Finally, we close with the power of earth for the strength to continue our path. The earth is about growth and being rooted. The earth ties us to the world and one another as we move forward in our journey.

The elements, the powers, and the prayer can help us stay on track in our life as our journey moves us in different directions. Hold it close.

Getting Ready to Remove Karma

Remove Karma

Karma is a word that means action or deed. It is known in different religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism. There are other religions that believe in karma and how it affects the life of those around it.

Good or Bad Karma?

Karma comes in all situations. When there is good karma, it means that you are living your best life, being kind and loving to others and living in positivity. Negative karma comes when you are living your life for only yourself or letting your ego control you or treat others terrible.

The actions that you do and the way that you think can cause karma to happen. If you keep having the same things happen over and over then chances are that your karma is in a cycle because you aren’t changing.

You can take action and change the negativity in your life, and this will help you to be happy and help you to get blessed and to have good karma.

Good Karma

Good karma is when you are positive, and you take actions to live a good life for yourself and others.

Bad Karma

Bad karma happens when you are being negative and when you are treating others poorly.

Kinds of Karma

There are different kinds of karma including:

• Prarabdha.
• Sanchita.
• Agami.
• Vardaman.


This is the kind of karma that is older and more mature. This karma is there and will keep following you in your life. No matter what kind of action you take, the universe knows, and you cannot escape this kind of karma in your life.


Sanchita karma is one that means to be piled up. This is actions that you have done that have gathered up and accumulated and then you have to pay back the karma. This can even be past life karma. Unlike Prarabdha karma, Sanchita karma can be changed if you meditate, do yoga, and change the way that you are living.


Agami karma is also known as Kriyamanya and is the karma that is happening in the now. It is karma that has to do with the actions that you are taking both negative and positive.


This is karma that you are dealing with right now. It helps you to know how to live a better future and to plant positivity in your life so that your future can be good.

Karma and the Spiritual World

Karma is related to your spiritual being and one works with the other. A person that has reached his or her enlightenment have often matured past the negative karma that they have already faced in the past.

What Makes Karma?

Here are some of the reasons that you have karma:

  • Ancestors: This means the soul group that you are born in, and it lasts your whole life.
  • Vedic Astrology: This is the chart of your birth and your energies.
  • Past Life: When you start your new life you will bring the past life karma with you.
  • Thoughts and Actions: These are the things that cause you to have karma.

How to Get Rid of Karma

Here are some ways you can get rid of some of your karma:


This kind of karma will come in your soul group and can get stuck. This is when your soul will try to find an ancestor to help them to pay back this karma. This will happen when you have thoughts and desires that you aren’t fulfilling.

Make an offering to the ancestors and see if they will help you.

Vedic Astrology

This is your astrological chart that is given to you as regards where the planets were when you were born. This is a chart that works with karma and will stay with you for a lifetime. This kind of astrology and karma can be negative and positive, and you need to make sure that you are living your life the best when the planets are in certain positions.

Past Life

Past life karma can cause you to have patterns in your life. This can cause you to have negativity in your life and cause you to react in a good or bad way. The great thing is that you have a choice in how you react, and this can stop you from going through patterns.

Thoughts and Actions

The thoughts and actions that you have right now will cause you to have current life karma. This is how you think and the actions that you do. You have to be careful about how you are living your life so that you don’t add more karma to yourself.

Final Thoughts

You can get rid of bad karma by watching how you live and how you choose to see life. If you are negative, you will cause your karma to add up. Karma is something that you cannot avoid but you can make sure that you have karma that is good that is filling your life as you fulfill your destiny.

Using Chakra Healing to Be Aware

Chakra Healing

There are different things that you can do to heal your chakras and you need to be more aware of what you are feeling. Using crystals, reiki, aromatherapy, or other things to heal your crystals can help you to be strong and confident.

What Does Chakra Healing Do?

Here are some things that chakra healing can do for you:

  • Release blockages.
  • Fix affirmations and help them to heal the major chakras.
  • Helps you to feel better in your physical body.
  • Can be self-healing.
  • Brings self-awareness.
  • Helps you to stay grounded.
  • Gives you security.
  • Makes you confident.
  • Helps you to be in touch with your body and your emotions.
  • Takes away overwhelming feelings.
  • Builds self-confidence.

Chakras are there to help you with your mind, body, and soul. When the chakras are not balanced, it can make you feel unhealthy. The chakra system is part of the universe and even though there are seven main chakras, there are over 100 chakras that work with each person.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel, and this is the energy wheel that keeps your body working correctly.

Balancing Your Chakras

There are ways that you can balance your own chakras and you can do this each day to make sure that you are strong. Here are some ways that you can balance your chakras:

• Crystals.
• Stretches.
• Chanting.
• Color therapy.
• Visualization.
• Reiki.

You can do almost any of these in order to keep your chakras strong and balanced.

Do It Each Day

It is important to do these healing techniques each day. This can make sure that you have your chakras balanced and that you are feeling good in your mind, body, and soul. If you are stressed and overwhelmed, you will see that your chakras might be blocked.

Chakras are part of your body, and they work with different organs and things in your body.

Emotional Health

Your chakras that are balanced work well with your emotional health. You can do this as a way to heal and it can change your negative attitude to something positive and make you overall healthy.

The problems that you have can get fixed faster if you are making sure that you are doing self-healing. You can make sure that the chakras are balanced and that you are able to release things. This will help to keep your emotional health strong.

Are You an Earth Angel?

Earth Angel

The word angel is one that is known all over the world. This is a word that means messenger. These are those that have a mission to be kind, empathetic and to help people to reach their life path.

The angel is often described as being mystical, fascinating, spiritual, divine, serene, and mysterious. Different people and religions believe in different things when it comes to angels, and some see them just as spiritual beings while others see them as an earthly idea that comes to give help to those that live on earth.

Understanding the Earth Angel

Earth angels are people that have a goal and a destiny to bring light to the earth. These are people that want to help others and they want to see everyone be successful and happy. You might be an earth angel and there are some signs that you can know if you are one. Some of the personality traits of an earth angel include:

• Being kind.
• Having helping senses.
• Sensitive.
• Empathetic.
• Memories that they don’t know where they came from.

If you are curious if you might be an earth angel, here are some other signs that might show that you are:

Old Soul or Mature

Maybe you are someone that acts older than they are. You might be someone that is loving and kind and someone that people run to so that they can share their problems. You have a gift of finding the right way to talk to be people and you seem to have wisdom that is unexplainable.

Soul Purpose

You know that you have a strong purpose, and that purpose is to make other people happy. You want to show yourself to be kind and loving and you want others to have happiness. You desire people to have good lives and life to be great for everyone.

Society needs earth angels and earth angels need people that want them around. Those that are oppressed, depressed and hurting need earth angels and earth angels need them. Earth angels are humanitarians, and they often have jobs that such as:

• Therapists.
• Business owners.
• Massage therapists.
• Social workers.
• Doctors.
• Counselors.

There are some earth angels that will even go all around the world to help those that are in need. They help to feed the poor; they go and work in different countries to bring water and other resources where they are needed, and they help everyone that they can find. They put everyone above themselves.

Strong Empathy

A person that is an earth angel has a lot of empathy. They are sensitive towards the needs and feelings that others have. When they know someone is sad, they are able to tell this without anyone saying anything. They will try to make them feel better.

An earth angel might be overwhelmed in their life because they are so sensitive and picking up the feelings and emotions of others can be tiring. They have a purpose though and they know this, and they want to see the earth a better place.

Earth angels often stay away from people with strong personalities, and they will try to find people that bring them peace. They will not spend time with those that want to steal their energy or don’t really need help or complete their mission.

Thinking Too Much

The earth angel is always thinking and that means that they don’t always get along with everyone around them. They use their intuition to know if someone should be around them or not and they are sometimes alone.

Being Alone

Since they use their intuition and are sometimes alone, the great thing to know is that they don’t mind this. They have a chance to recharge and to recent themselves. They can figure out where their morals and values are and follow their heart when they spend time alone.

Being alone makes them stronger and a better person so that they can go out into the world to help make it better.

Accepting and Rejecting

You accept everyone for who they are and what they look like, but you have a hard time with the ideas that people have. You want everyone to be accepted and love and you don’t identify or behave like other people.

The job that you have is to stir love and to reject hate, war and other things that mistreat others. An earth angel hates discrimination and racism. They know that there cannot be separation if the world is going to be a better world.

Infants and Animals

Infants and animals love earth angels. They are connected to them in a strong way. These creatures are sensitive to your kindness and your calmness.

Strong Intuition

Earth angels have strong intuition, and they know when something is off. They know when there are good people, and they are attracted to this. These people are also creative and are often attracted to art, painting, music, writing and other creative things. They are connected to their inner self.

Past Lives

Earth angels have lived many past lives. They are very smart and know things because of the past lives that they have lived, even though they don’t remember them. They are people that have lived past lives as beings such as:

• Hermits.
• Psychics.
• Shamans.
• Nuns.
• Monks.
• Healers.
• Priests.

The earth angel doesn’t know how many lives that they have lived, and they don’t remember their role but the way that they act and think explains that their past lives have been many. They even have memories of past lives that they cannot explain because they can’t remember where the memories come from.

Kinds of Earth Angels

There are different kinds of earth angels including:

  • Guardian earth angels: These are people that protect others and have strong energies. They help police officers and soldiers, for example.
  • Messenger earth angels: These are earth angels that are meant to deliver messages to people about how to be better and how to reach their purpose.
  • Protective earth angels: These are angels that protect people from emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical harm.
  • Healing earth angels: These angels can help to heal your body, mind, and spirit.
  • Vocal earth angels: They share their voices, and they help those that are in need.
  • Joyful earth angels: They bring fun and joy wherever they can.

Questions About Earth Angels

Here are some questions often asked about earth angels:

What Is the Job of an Earth Angel?

The earth angel is there to help others as much as possible. They want to bring joy and peace to the earth. They try to solve problems for others and help to show them their purpose.

Do Earth Angels Find Love?

Earth angels are regular people and they do sometimes find love. Since they can incarnate many times, they might find love over and over again. Some earth angels have only been on earth once.

What Color are Earth Angels Eyes?

Earth angels normally have green, blue, and brown eyes. Earth angel babies have earth-colored eyes when they are first born but the eye color can change over time.

How Your Moon Sign Determines Your Emotions

Moon Sign

When someone asks you what your sign is, they are asking where the sun was when you were born. The sun is a sign that shows how you live in the world. This can also show people about your personality. The sun sign is what most people learn about astrology. There are other things that your birth chart can tell you about who you are including your moon sign.

Not everyone will feel a strong connection to their moon sign and some people are better able to connect with their moon sign. For example, the Cancer is fact focused while the Capricorn hates wealth. Your birth chart is all about you and it has to do with who you are and your life.

The moon sign is one of the most important parts of who you are. This is where the position of the moon was when you were born. It shows what your emotions are. It is how you can take care of yourself.

Moon and Sun Sign

The sun has a strong light and is needed for us to live but the moon is also important. The moon orbits the earth every 27.5 days. It has a fast cycle, and it is always changing. The shape of the moon is determined by the sun, and it is exciting to see all the changes of the moon from the waxing to the waning phase.

The birth chart allows your moon to tell you how your experiences will change. The moon reflects how the sun shines, and it shows what you have went through in your life. Knowing your moon sign can help you to understand your emotions.

The moon is close to the earth, and it is always moving. Even when it is daytime, sometimes we can see the moon. This shows that the moon is a dependable thing and that it plays a role in the earth. It has feminine energies and no matter what gender you are; you have both feminine and masculine energies.

The moon sign helps you to see how you treat yourself. It represents how you take care of yourself and how your psychic gifts come. It shows you what is private and what you need to protect.

The sun sign acts but the moon sign reacts. When the moon is closer to the earth, the tide is even higher.

How Does the Sun and Moon Work Together?

The moon sign might seem secret, but it shows your character. It shows your moods, and it shows what is inside of you. Even when you don’t understand yourself or your relationships, the moon will help you.

The moon shows how sensitive you are, and it shows you the rhythm of your life. The moon sign is the same as the triplicity of the sun, but the elements are different. The Gemini sun and a Libra moon will show you that you care about relationships and about others. If you were born under a new moon, it can mean you are committed to making a difference in your life. A full moon can mean that you are on your life mission.

The moon phase works in the houses of the birth chart. It helps to show your emotions and how they work. If you are a Capricorn moon born in the 9th house, then you will be happy in your emotions.

The moon sign will show you who you are and where you get your relationships. You can interpret your own energies with your birth chart because the moon sign means you have to look deep inside of yourself to find out who you are.

12 Moon Signs

The moon signs have different changes and once you know what your moon sign is and the changes you will understand yourself more.

Aries Moon

The Aries is the first sign, and they are fiery people. They are usually hard to get along with and aggressive. They know what they want and need, and they are excited in their emotions and very spontaneous. They do what it takes to get what they want. This person has a child inside of them that wants to get there first. They take challenges and beat them.

Taurus Moon

The Taurus moon is a sensual sign. They love to be comfortable and to eat good things. They love luxury and they are people that choose stability over change. They are grounded.

Gemini Moon

These people are governed by Mercury, and they are informative. They like to communicate, and they are expressive. They want to socialize and be celebrated. They want attention and people making over them.

Cancer Moon

The Cancer moon is someone that is impacted by the world around them. They are full of changing emotions, and they want to be supported and safe in their life. They only go with people that they trust as friends and family.

Leo Moon

The Leo moon is ruled by the sun, and they are a fire sign. They are creative and warm, and they are very giving. They were born in the lunation, and they have strong psychic gifts. They love to have attention and they want to be famous.

Virgo Moon

This sign is analytical, and they are organized. They like to have a system that they follow, and they love to help others. They are practical and they never stop worrying about things. They are mindful and should meditate a lot.

Libra Moon

This sign is a visual sign. They are peaceful and balanced. They are happy when they have peace. They want to be with a partner, and they can have many relationships. They like to be validated.

Scorpio Moon

This sign is a strong emotional sign. They are experienced and they are private. They honor creativity and they want boundaries. They have strong emotions and they put their mental health first.

Sagittarius Moon

This sign is curious and loves to learn new things. They love philosophy and science. They are smart and they love to travel. They want to explore new things and they love to dominate any conversation. They act smarter than anyone around them.

Capricorn Moon

This sign is successful, and they were born under the lunation. They are responsible and they want to accomplish things. They set goals and they meet them. They want to impress everyone around them, and they do best when they open up to their emotions.

Aquarius Moon

The Aquarius moon is a sign that is experienced and collective. They have values and are sensitive. They want to do the right thing and they are humanitarians. They are distant and sometimes not reliable.

Pisces Moon

This sign is one that has strong empathy. They have strong psychic gifts and are sensitive. They absorb the energies of others. They have strong emotions, and they are creative. They are giving and spiritual and knowledgeable. They are often seen as old souls.

Final Thoughts

The connection that you have with your moon sign is very rewarding. It can give you a deep understanding of who you are and what you want in your life. You can look at your moon sign and dig deep and find out who you are. If you have certain emotions, find out why. Look at who you are based on your moon sign.