Creating Vision Boards to Help with Life Goals

Creating Vision Boards

Vision boards help people to see what they want in their life and what they don’t want. It can be made from different materials, and if you want to make a vision board for the upcoming year, you can understand how it works and can be effective for you.


Setting intentions on what you want is one way that you can make your vision board work. You need to know what you want for the next year and what items will help you to reach your goals. Before you start thinking about what you are going to put on your vision board, know what you really want and what ideas are important to you.


People use different materials to put on their vision boards, such as magazines, words, quotes, and other things. Think of whatever you want to put on your board that can help to raise your vibrations and help you to reach the goals that you have in life.

Spiritual Cleanse

Make sure you are cleansing your mind, body, and soul before you start putting your vision board together.

Doing this can help to get rid of any negative thoughts or emotions in your life. Use the form of cleansing that works best for your lifestyle to make sure you feel cleansed.


Use affirmations to create your vision board. This means positive things and ideas that you have for the next year. Most people have affirmations already, but if not, spend time looking up a few that speak to you or come up with your own.

Different Modalities

Use different ideas such as astrology, crystals, numerology, or whatever can raise your board’s vibrations.

Do not feel you have to create a board like everyone else. This is a personal experience and vision, so do what works best for your style.

Essential Oils

Adding essential oils to your board can make your board smell good and can help to create a positive environment around your board.

  • Passion-this is a blend that includes Jasmine flower, vanilla bean, ginger, clove, clove bud, cardamom seed, cinnamon bark, and other flavors that can help to increase your creativity and help you not be fearful.
  • Ginger-this essential oil is great to help you to be in charge of your own life.
  • Wild orange-use this oil to help you connect with the universe.
  • Citrus oils-these essential oils can help you to be motivated.
  • Peppermint-this is a great essential oil that can help you to strengthen your mind, body, and spirit.

Tarot Cards

Use Tarot cards on your board if you feel drawn to them. You can also use these to help you decide what things you want to put on your vision board.

Spirit Guides

Talk to your spirit guides and ask them what kind of visions you should have for your future. Use different images and focus on what you want in your life.


Talk to a psychic and let them help to give you insight on what kind of visions and things you should manifest into your life.

Place and Intentions

Use Feng Shui or other things to interact with your board. Pay attention to what you desire in your life and manifest your desires.

Look at Your Board

Pay attention to what your board has to offer you. When you can understand things and look toward your path, you will be more likely to reach your goals.


Use daily rituals to make sure that you are reaching your goals. Use positive affirmations and other things you used to create your board to help raise your vibrations and bring positivity to your life.


Never forget nature when you do your vision board. For example, put plants close to your board or put your board by a window so the sun can shine in on it.

Be Flexible

No one is going to have the same board. Consider different elements that you will use when you create your board. Keep an open mind and heart when making your board.


Write in your journal to get rid of negative thoughts and feelings and to write down things that happen to you. This is one way to go back and process all the information you get through your board.

Celebrate You

When you reach places on your vision board and get closer to your goals, always celebrate who you are and what you have accomplished.

Ask and Receive

Ask your guides for what you need, and when you receive them, be thankful for the support you get. Be sure to thank your guides for any information shared so they will share in the future.


Set goals that you can reach each day and then some long-term goals. This can help you manifest what you want, work hard to reach your goals, and be happy with yourself.

Always be thankful for what happens to you in your life, both good and bad. This is one way that you can show the universe that you appreciate it.


Most people have too many expectations or expectations that are too high. Let go of your expectations and learn to be open-minded about what happens in your life.

If you are flexible, you will see that you will not reject things that are good for your life. You might get more than you ever imagined if you keep an open mind.


When you get your board done, make sure that you are manifesting things in your life that you want and what is best for you. Then, once it is all said and done, you need to know that you followed your intuition and that your board was made perfect for you.


  1. This seems like such a waste of time. People need to stop avoiding reality with these arts and crafts projects.

  2. I absolutely love the idea of vision boards! It’s such a creative way to visualize your goals for the year. Can’t wait to get started!

  3. ‘Setting intentions’ is key here. Research shows that visualization can significantly impact motivation and achievement.


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